The FastDay Forum

Delighted or Disappointed?

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Disappointed at first!
02 Jul 2014, 16:40
Initially, I was on the point of giving up! On one fast day, for instance, I had what I thought was a small breakfast, a medium- sized lunch and had drunk a few cups of tea with semi-skimmed milk and when I totted up the calories I found that I'd used up my 500 calories and had nothing left for the rest of the day. So I was bad-tempered, as my husband was quick to point out. I had quite a few disasters before I got to the point where the diet was working very well, got easier and left me delighted! It's definitely worth persevering if you are tempted to give up.
Re: Disappointed at first!
02 Jul 2014, 17:24
Well done @polly75 Firstly with sticking with this
WOL especially when it got tough, the secret as you've found is deciding what works for you regarding how many meals etc that why many of us only eat evening meal only I'm not hungry when I get up any morning and if I keep busy on a fastday I can + do go all day, then nothing until lunchtime the next day, making my feed days 16:8. :clover:
Re: Disappointed at first!
02 Jul 2014, 17:31
" we live and learn" Polly!
Thanksso much fir posting yr experience,it will without doubt help others to grit their teeth and keep going til they find what fits best fir them
We all seem to find our own ways of dealing with fastdays..and that's what's great about this WOE..seemingly a hundred and one ways of making it work! X
Re: Disappointed at first!
02 Jul 2014, 18:31
Thank you for your replies. I am so glad that I did persevere and I wanted to share that experience with others. I often get to a good point with things the hard way!
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