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Delighted or Disappointed?

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I cannot get through a fast day at the moment, and I'm putting on weight instead of losing. I got stuck at 9st 2lbs and I was heading for 8st 10lbs for the Easter challenge but I haven't been able to do a proper fast in weeks. I think it's because I'm so stressed about writing my dissertation, but I don't want to keep gaining :( Can anyone help me to stay motivated? I'm finding it so easy to give up at the moment and my weight is creeping up again (9st 5lbs today).

I know if I can do proper fasts again I'll be okay but I'm struggling so much. I've been doing this for so long now, but I genuinely don't think I've done a solid month of 5:2 since June last year. That said, my inches haven't changed much this year, even when I was 9st 1lbs or today they've been the same.

Think my TDEE is so low that I need to exercise to earn more calories, but I don't have the time or energy to exercise at the moment. Definitely stuck in a rut, and feeling bad about feeling sorry for myself (if that even makes sense).
Hi Beth,
Stress can cause a lot and the one cure is to get that dissertation finished. But I am sure that is a huge chunk of work to be done. While you are working on it, can you clean house and get any triggering foods out so you will not be tempted? One thing that helps me stay on a fast is to be very careful of what I eat the day before the fast. If I avoid high carb food, it is easier to fast. You really have to just believe in yourself and know that as you did in the past, you can once again fast. Think back to what made you successful and try to set up the same circumstances. For me, I posted a sheet of paper on my bathroom mirror just above the scale and I wrote in all my fasting days ahead of time (I'm doing alternate day fasting) I also make myself get on the scale and write my weight with a sharpie marker. Just keeping myself accountable increases my motivation. Hope that helps! Don't give up and good luck with your dissertation!
You know @BethP maybe you should read your signature again .....
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."
There's a strength in you and you can reach into it. Consider what's really important right now and then go for it. Good luck Beth. :clover:
Oh Beth don't despair! If you're an emotional eater then it's gonna be hard for you all the while you are working on your dissertation. I remember doing my and I would find ANYTHING to do instead of writing the blimmin I ate and cleaned and ate and get the picture!

Anyway, you are definitely not alone. We've all bean through the horrendous glitches. I've only recently got back on track since Christmas! I think you just have to treat this as a way of life so it doesn't matter If you don't fast whilst writing your dissertation...does it?

Personally, I found ADF helped me out of my rut. Maybe we'll see you in our tent one day?

Just remember the following...

Bean xx
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Without focusing on fasting, you might want to try preparing "safe" snacks such as cabbage, celery and radishes, which you can munch on all day, whether you are fasting or not. As for the writing, I found that going for a short walk always helped me think through what I was writing at the time. It seemed to be much easier to think on my feet than at a computer.

Changing environment can be helpful: libraries are really good.

Having said that, the dissertation requires heavy thinking, and your brain likely needs a little more fuel than usual. You may need to either walk a little more (if you are eating on the lo-carb side and can use your energy stores) or having the odd tiny bit of chocolate or something to keep your brain going. Emphasis on tiny.
Hey Beth! Hang in there. My daughter is at law school and right in the midst of the kind of time pressure and stress that you are. She is a "stress eater" (takes after her mom. :curse: She's 26, and never before had to even think about weight. As a life-long dancer and athlete with her dad's metabolism, it was never a concern. What has worked for her to slow things down and reverse the trend, is to lose the black-white/all or nothing thinking and do little things. (After all, for most of us, that black and white/all or nothing thinking was what caused us to gain weight in the first place!) She can't fast right now, but she can make healthy choices. Her boyfriend downloaded some 5 minute workouts so she can take mini breaks through her study time. It helps her focus better and be more efficient. She has some easy healthy snacks and foods to take with her. All of these things help her to stay away from the fast and junk foods that make everything worse. No, the pounds aren't dropping off fast, but she's not gaining and is losing gradually. But, she has had to adapt, and she's doing it. So can you!
Hi Beth,

I feel for you but you know, this will just be a temporary thing in your life. Good advice from the others and I especially like the low/no carb snacks ALWAYS available rather than foraging around and then wolfing down whatever comes to hand. planning is a great thing but takes a little effort although you will soon be doing it without thinking.

I hope you find a way that suits you and good luck, I know you will be fine,

Ballerina x :heart:
I found that a bowl of raw coleslaw in the fridge or in a zip lock bag. I also endorse the advice of not eating carbs the night before. Do you think that trying a total fast, liquids only may help. The idea that there is total ban on solids may help.

Stress eating hss contributed to my plateau, I am hoping that now my circummstances are changing my weight loss will also improve.
Hi @BethP

There are certain times in our lives that clash/push - challenge us. We set ourselves too many goals and hope to deliver them at the same time. One goal at a time often works.

Your dissertation is an immediate goal you have set yourself. So my advice is put everything else on hold apart from your dissertation -you will feel less stressed, less confused and more focused.

You can come back to 52 and any other future life goals you have set after your dissertation. Peeps take a break from 52 for many life reasons :heart:
I hope this helps your thinking. Above all keep posting and let us know how you are.

Lizbean x
Thank you so much everyone for your kind words. There is a lot of sound advice on this thread now! I think that stress is a major factor at the moment, and being an emotional eater, and it's all just throwing me completely off. I do not have very much self-control.

I wasn't aware that hi-carb the night before a fast can make it more difficult, so thank you for letting me know that @Lisafast. I hadn't considered ADF as I've found 5:2 so difficult to keep up with, but maybe I will have a look in to it @nursebean.

I thought I was on a plateau but I'm not really, it's just the moment I stop thinking about what I'm eating my weight creeps back up again. I feel like it requires constant supervision to lose the tiniest bit of weight at a time!

Perhaps having healthy snacks and making good choices for now should help. Apart from this saturday, I should be having no alcohol or bad foods, so I'll try to be really good these next few days as I do work. I just want to reach the end of university weighing the same, or less, than I did when I came here. But I suppose university work is more important than my waistline at the moment.

I'd never considered doing a liquids-only fast @Julieathome but that might work. Sometimes I stick religiously to 500 calories and other times I end up going over, I'm just so inconsistent. I wish there was a quote for inspiring consistency, @Auriga! I like my potential one though.

Anyway, thank you very much to everyone for helping me. I do love this forum, and even in my inconsistency I'm so happy to have you all to turn to. I haven't eaten anything yet today, perhaps I will try and turn it into a fast? Try a liquids-only fast? Either way, it's dissertation time, and that is the most important thing!
It sounds like you have a better handle on the situation now you've got it off your chest and had some good advice. :like:

Good luck with your dissertation, and with the fasting in due course :clover:
There is evidence that you think better when fasting (I find that I am sharper on fast days) and that carbs can cause brain fog. So fasting may make for a better dissertation. Unhealthy snacks aren't going to help the brain function, so if you have to snack make sure the calories are healthy ones.

I do find a bowl of porridge at any time of the day stops the snacking urges, I am usually so full from the porridge I couldn't eat another spoonful. In fact a bowl of porridge right now would be utterly sinful and yummy.
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