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feeling pretty chuffed!
27 Feb 2014, 11:29
i am absolutely chuffed with my weight loss right now!

i've lost mumblemumble amount of weight (10lbs? it's on the tracker :oops: ) and i feel like i'm getting used to eating 5:2. i still end up eating like a maniac on weekends, but i'm getting better at recognising that i don't need to, so hopefully that's the next thing i can work on. i'm also feeling the effect on my running - i'm feeling fitter and losing weight is helping me with this.

but the best thing is... my clothes are fitting better. i was wearing a pair of trousers to work yesterday that were pinching me (a lot :oops: ) the last time i wore them about 6 months ago. i stopped wearing them then, and put on another couple of kgs since then, so to be able to wear them, and not see any hint of a muffin top (or even a cake shelf) was unbelievable. i'm wearing a pair of trousers now that i could feel pulling a bit as i was maybe a lb or two over what was comfortable in them. and they are fitting well!

brilliant. i don't really congratulate myself so i'm feeling a bit self indulgent doing this, but it's tie i did i think. i've been working at this so i deserve to give myself a pat on the back.

(apologies for the mix of kg and lb. i mix and match depending on which number looks best :lol: )
Re: feeling pretty chuffed!
27 Feb 2014, 11:33
Cake shelf, love it :lol:
This is the place to share your good news, and bad. You should be rightly proud of yourself so don't keep it in!! And anyway, your story will go on to inspire others in turn. Well done!!!
Re: feeling pretty chuffed!
27 Feb 2014, 11:39
Well done! Now is the time to dance around the room in trousers that fit :)
Re: feeling pretty chuffed!
27 Feb 2014, 11:57
Yay, well done @Ayjacee :like: :like: :like: :heart:
Re: feeling pretty chuffed!
27 Feb 2014, 11:59
no dancing @Minsmum. last time i had a wee kitchen disco i got caught out by the postman who still has a wee laugh at me!

thank you everyone!
Re: feeling pretty chuffed!
27 Feb 2014, 15:25
:heart: Well done @Ayjacee That absolutely brilliant
Great fun digging into the dark corners of our wardrobes bringing out our "new" clothes. :heart: Sue
Re: feeling pretty chuffed!
27 Feb 2014, 16:14
You absolutely SHOULD pat yourself on the back - really well done :like:
Re: feeling pretty chuffed!
27 Feb 2014, 16:37
Well done that girl.....and yes @minsmum and I are a bit partial to a naked celebration jig.
Re: feeling pretty chuffed!
27 Feb 2014, 17:11
Actually 'eating like a maniac' at weekends might not be such a bad idea as you need one feast day a week I believe to stop the dreaded starvation mode kicking in at some point. Well done and good luck with your journey @Ayjacee.
Re: feeling pretty chuffed!
27 Feb 2014, 18:07
Auriga wrote: Actually 'eating like a maniac' at weekends might not be such a bad idea as you need one feast day a week I believe to stop the dreaded starvation mode kicking in at some point. Well done and good luck with your journey @Ayjacee.

I agree with Auriga, this is supposed to be a feast and fast way of life and it seems to work well for most of us, so.....just carry on

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: feeling pretty chuffed!
27 Feb 2014, 19:28
:like: That's great! Well done and thanks for sharing, it's great to hear how peeps are doing. :like:
Re: feeling pretty chuffed!
27 Feb 2014, 23:11
You definitely deserve congrlatulations, and we can't give them unless we know about your success! It's not self indulgent to be pleased with something you've worked at (well, not in my book, anyway!). Well done!
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