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Delighted or Disappointed?

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I last entered my stats on 6th Sept I was 14st 2lbs - 89.81kg. Great I thought another few weeks I will be in the 13st's (I am a slow loser). Was I heck as like. :curse: Oct weigh in at the Chemist was 14st 3lb so I didn't bother entering my tracker. Today weighed in at 14st.5lb. Stomach empty, I'm on 16/8 every day and I always call in at the chemist on my home from work 1/2 day Fridays for the monthly weigh in.
I am also an every morning weigher at home so I knew this was going to happen.
I still had my £'s worth and let the supersonic scales tell me what I didn't want to know.
Anyway I had a few minutes spare before meeting mother for lunch so I went on the forum for a read and I don't know how I did it because I don't remember clicking a link, I ended up reading Moogie's blog about Plateau's and re-setting.
Anyway I suddenly had a light bulb moment or a Eureka moment :geek: whatever it is.
This time last year the same thing happened to me. I have been on a weight loss journey since May 2011 (5st gone now for the ones who don't know) and Sept 2012 I stalled which led me to 5:2 in Jan this year and 1st 3lbs lost with 5:2.
I have tried Fast 5, 5:2 and 16/8 together and nothing is starting me off again, I will admit to not completing a few fast days but I am getting quite a few hours in over the week for repair time.
I hate calorie counting but decided I had better check up on my non-fast days eating. A normal weekday was roughly 1300 cals, my TDEE is 1803 so that could be too low, I thought my wayhey weekends would balance it out, But apart from my alcohol on fri and sat nights the food intake isn't much different. I eat low sugar/full fat as much as possible.
So I have resigned myself to being on a re-setting period again, thanks to Moogie for enlightening me :heart:
I have joined the Xmas club and pledged to try for a 7lb loss :razz: if it happens you will hear me shout from the top of the Major Oak. If it doesn't so be it. I am not spitting the dummy out or getting stressed about it, I will ride it out and hope to maintain until this stubborn old bod decides to move it again.
I have took my tracker off display cos it depresses me to see it not moving. I was getting hooked up over numbers but I know I am healthy inside (bloods etc.) so my last 21 lbs to target may take me another year to do.
If anyone can think of anything I haven't, besides exercise :dazed: let me know please.

Chris x
Wish I could help you. But thankfully you do have a really great positive attitude and are quite a way through your weight loss journey. You've proved that 5.2 works for you with the 1st 5 loss. I've heard people say that a blow out can help. Good luck and I hope someone more knowledgable comes along.
Sounds like you're doing all you can and I think your attitude to it is great so hopefully you'll see results soon :-)
I can imagine you're frustrated, but hope this helps in a teeny tiny little way... seeing that you've lost all that on 5:2 is so motivational. So whenever you feel low about your progress, remember that you're someone else's inspiration... :)

So you've done fantastically so far, and I hope to one day have a signature block that says "17 lbs lost" massive congrats on this!

I know I'm still new to this (in my first month) but I've read quite a bit on not getting enough calories and how it affects your weight loss... wonder if this could be it? It still doesn't make sense to me how eating way under your TDEE can stop you from losing but ...apparently it does.
Hope someone can explain this better for you/us.

x x
Sounds like you are indeed in the midst of a plateau, so you might have no choice but to wait it out. Sorry about your gain Chris. It's not a big amount compared to how much you have lost. You have come so far, I'm sure you will hang on in there. :clover: :clover: :heart:
Chris I feel for you. I have deliberately kept my progress chart public and reported honestly. I believe patience and persistence is the key, although flipping hard going at times. I plateaued mid April to mid June, it was very frustrating. I then plateaued again from end of Aug until now. This morning I lost 4lb :shock: . I'm not worried anymore about plateaus and at this late stage in the year I am hoping to not put any weight on from now until the new year when I will formulate a plan to kick start the next stage of weight loss. Stick with it you know it will take time but it will pass.
Izzy that would be my new lacy black pair that the seller guessed my size with :oops:
Make sure you have our local fire station number, they are all chunky hunks round here. :lol:

Chris x
:heart: chris well it has all been said really :heart:
You've done a great job and maybe its your
body taking a rest,
:heart: Ride out a plateau apparently :heart:
However for me recently I cut my carbs on all days especially on fast days + it kickstarted my loss its worth a try this week
Good Luck :heart: :clover: Sue. :clover:
That's what I love about this forum. PMA
When someone's down there's always someone ready and waiting to pick you up. Oak trees, black Lacey knickers and hunky fireman what more do you need. Not sure about the oak tree but that's something we can work on. Have a great weekend everyone. Chris show us your chart, and then you can have a laugh at my wavy fat % line.
Pesky plateau but you have been at it for a while, check out famine effect, so break up the 18:6 with feed days as suggested or maybe liquid fast your 5:2 and lessen your 16:8 to only a couple of days a week and when you do that shrink the window to 18:6-20:4 breaking the fast with protein like poached egg or salmon and have low carb in that evening meal eg Thai curry and substitute rice with say cauliflower rice or like.

Mixing it up is good. You will find the famine effect info in a Caroees thread from a Aussie female Professor
Thanks for your post, Chris. I've started to think of my plateau as a resetting stage too. Much less depressing - this I can live with for a few weeks or even months if necessary. Very helpful to look at the long term picture.
chriso57 wrote:
I have joined the Xmas club and pledged to try for a 7lb loss :razz: if it happens you will hear me shout from the top of the Major Oak. If it doesn't so be it.

Chris x

Hiya Chris, come and do a "check-in" at the Xmas club to tell us how you are going in your journey to a healthier weight for Christmas.
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