Thankyou everyone. I was highest loser in the October weigh in I think. I'm not sure I was still around in November as I did my usual.......I am really good at dieting and losing the weight. I am totally motivated and have all the tools to do it with the last 28 years practice. The biggest stumbling block I have is that once I achieve my target, I go totally off the rails! I decided to lose weight for my sisters wedding 10years ago. I joined weight watchers in nov 2003, got down to 10st3lb (and didn't like how bony I looked) in April 2004. I maintained until the wedding on August 14. Then I went mad. I don't think I remember going that mad with food. You'd think I'd not eaten for months! But with weightwatchers I was supposed to be able to maintain on about 24 points (old system) a day. For me I had to eat no more than 18 and have no extras. I was totally unhappy. My weight went back on at a rapid rate of knots.
This is just one in a catalogue of ups and downs of the yoyo.
What I noticed this time is that I tried to 16:8 before Christmas when ka was in hospital. So I reckon just the gain of 1.5 stone overall wasn't too bad and that was down to me knowing what I could do, but putting it off.
I am very lucky in that I don't find dieting too hard, and I know I will lose this extra weight. I enjoy challenges, even if I find them hard.
My biggest challenge will be in keeping it off! I may be a complete pest on the forums in order to keep me too busy and interested in everyone to leave. It is lovely seeing familiar people here
Sorry for the long post and Ty if you've made it this far.
