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Delighted or Disappointed?

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I have lost 3lb this week. I didn't have to do the bathroom scales shuffle (moving the scales all over the bathroom floor to find the lowest weight :wink: )
This will keep me motivated to keep on. I will reach my springing into fall challenge! I am determined :grin:
Great news, congratulations, keep going now

Ballerina x :heart:
Congrats, karenm!
Well done karen another great start from you. Keep up the good work. I have no doubt you will make your challenge goal, I remember how fast you lost last time. Good luck. :)
Yay @karenm- that's great going! Well done you!

Very pleased to hear you've lost 6 blocks of butter - that's how I like to look at it, though I used to think in terms of bags of flour & sugar....but with metric confusion (I am a pounds & ounces kind of girl) I can only safely quote blocks of butter!!

However you look at it, you are off to a flying start!

Keep us posted....

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
Like@justdeei remember how well you did last were the highest loser at least one month..and now here you are,back in the old routine and it feels good :like:
Keep up the good work! X
Well done that's a great start for you @Karenm :like:
Yes the motivation factor provider delivers just on time onwards into another week. :clover: :clover: :clover:
Thankyou everyone. I was highest loser in the October weigh in I think. I'm not sure I was still around in November as I did my usual.......I am really good at dieting and losing the weight. I am totally motivated and have all the tools to do it with the last 28 years practice. The biggest stumbling block I have is that once I achieve my target, I go totally off the rails! I decided to lose weight for my sisters wedding 10years ago. I joined weight watchers in nov 2003, got down to 10st3lb (and didn't like how bony I looked) in April 2004. I maintained until the wedding on August 14. Then I went mad. I don't think I remember going that mad with food. You'd think I'd not eaten for months! But with weightwatchers I was supposed to be able to maintain on about 24 points (old system) a day. For me I had to eat no more than 18 and have no extras. I was totally unhappy. My weight went back on at a rapid rate of knots.
This is just one in a catalogue of ups and downs of the yoyo.
What I noticed this time is that I tried to 16:8 before Christmas when ka was in hospital. So I reckon just the gain of 1.5 stone overall wasn't too bad and that was down to me knowing what I could do, but putting it off.
I am very lucky in that I don't find dieting too hard, and I know I will lose this extra weight. I enjoy challenges, even if I find them hard.
My biggest challenge will be in keeping it off! I may be a complete pest on the forums in order to keep me too busy and interested in everyone to leave. It is lovely seeing familiar people here :heart:
Sorry for the long post and Ty if you've made it this far.
xxx :heart: xxx
So pleased at your success Karen, you are doing really well! Keep up the good work!
We're glad you've come back to us @Karenm. I hope everything has calmed down for you now, it's not easy trying to stay on track when so much is going on all around. You've given me a head start now (remember we started about the same time) and I'm going to do my best to stay in front of you (weight loss wise), I know I probably won't be able to do it (you're one hell of a quick loser) but I'll give it a go, hope you don't mind. :)
@justdee, I don't mind at all my lovely. The way today is going, you won't have much of a problem staying ahead. I've had a proper binge day! Had a big box of fudge, chocolate, bread, sweets, crisps, cheese and yoghurt. I've got chicken naps for tea. Will need to be good this week :wink:
Hi @Karenm
I'm go from lurking to posting a lot, don't ever feel you are being a pest, everyone has something valid to say. :smile:
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