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Delighted or Disappointed?

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7 months on the 5:2 with breaks for holidays, don't watch my diet at all on the 5 days, it was very slow to get going (didn't see much change in the first 3 months at all), but now I'm reaping the rewards - bought myself 4 new pairs of (Australian) size 12 trousers on the weekend because I was sick of having to belt all my old ones so tightly!

I don't weigh myself, but 7 months ago the 14's were getting uncomfortable and I had even bought one pair of 16's. Keeping comfortably in size 12 will be my goal going forward.

According to a conversion chart I just looked up I'm now a UK 10 and a US 8 - sounds even better :smile:
Congrats, Banksia!
Congratulations! That's fabulous!
Way to go Banksia, great feeling buying a size smaller :grin:
Brilliant! Well done
Congratulations. You must be grinning from ear to ear.
oh, vey cool! :) congratulations!
That's brilliant ! Specially as you don't watch yr diet for five days! X
Haven't you done well?, congratulations, a great feeling

Ballerina x :heart:
Woo hoo @Banksia - that is brilliant!

I absolutely dream of size 12' I can imagine your joy - very well done!

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
Well done @banksia That's some achievement :like:
Well done on sticking with this WOL and on not obsessing to much with the scales like most of us
do its so much better to go by the clothing especially the smaller sizes
Congratulations as you say our UK size 10 is tiny to me.
Well done sounds like you have a great attitude to losing weight :like:
Congratulations Banksia!!! I'm so happy for you. You have achieved my ultimate goal- size 12. Yay!!!!
That's great Banskia
You must be delighted and feeling great.
Sounds like you've got a great relaxed approach to the whole thing also :smile:
Thanks everyone! I did have some worries early on, and husband was doing it too and losing the blubber faster - but I reminded myself that my body always lags about 3 months behind any changes in diet or exercise. Husband has now reduced to one day a week (sometimes only every other week) and I'm still doing the two until I can get rid of some more belly fat - also it feels like a great compromise with not having to worry about what I eat or drink the rest of the week. It really feels very maintainable and comfortable now :-)
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