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I did it!
02 May 2014, 22:47
Two fasts in a row!! I know it's not a massive accomplishment, but it feels SO GOOD!! I think because it shows I am more in control and it makes the future a bit brighter. Maybe one day I will be in those size 10 clothes I have been buying. I realised last week(not sure if I have mentioned this before on here) that the last time I was a size 10 UK, which is my goal, was 10 years ago.

10 Years!! Too long, when I realised that I thought maybe I should just put that dream and number to bed, maybe it shows that it is not going to happen, maybe it is a pipe dream. 10 years has flown by though I will say that, no doubt my old clothes will no longer be in fashion. Does anyone else buy clothes that deep down they feel they might never fit? A while ago I saw this woman (I'd say a size 10) in a brilliant outfit, so trendy and casual and cool, so I asked her where she got it and I went and bought it. It has been in my cupboard for about 6 months and now I have some hope that I may actually one day wear it.
Re: I did it!
02 May 2014, 22:49
I think a backtoback fast IS an accomplishment debsie! One is hard enough!
Well done,so pleased for you, i can tell youre feeling sooo good about yrself and isnt that a wonderful feeling! X X
Re: I did it!
02 May 2014, 23:01
Well done @debsie hats off to you.

Re clothes sizes you want to eventually fit into. I was tempted to buy a pair of beautiful trousers in the perfect colour to replace a pair of favourite pants I had grown too small for with 5:2. The pants were size 12 and I am size 14, I didn't buy chickened out.

we do need goals so if it works to motive you why not. I can encourage that I am now beck to the weight I was 21 years ago only due to this WOE. Power to you and see yourself in that outfit. There are also enough encouraging posts and info to help you get there
Re: I did it!
02 May 2014, 23:05
CandiceMarie wrote: I think a backtoback fast IS an accomplishment debsie! One is hard enough!
Well done,so pleased for you, i can tell youre feeling sooo good about yrself and isnt that a wonderful feeling! X X

Accomplishment or just straight masochism.

Have to say I've been doing 5;2 for several months now and I wouldn't have tried fear!

Re: I did it!
03 May 2014, 09:19
Oh well done @Debsie thats quite an achievement. How did you find it? I've got to do a backtoback next week (because I don't want to fast on my dad's birthday...theres a meal out to be had!) and I'm not looking forward to it.

Hats off to you...well done!

:like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like:
Re: I did it!
03 May 2014, 09:25
Well done @debsie and I would also say 'YES' you can be a size 10.....just keep going and you'll get there I promise! :victory:
Re: I did it!
03 May 2014, 09:33
Hi, I too think a back to back fast is an achievement - I have done it now and again but I do think it's a lot harder so well done you!! :smile:
Re: I did it!
03 May 2014, 13:57
Thanks all. To answer how did I find it? It wasn't actually as bad as I expected. The first night I said to myself, just see how you feel tomorrow and if you can't do it it's no biggy. So I never put any pressure on. I went on the scales in the morning (which I shouldn't have really) and I had lost weight which spurred me on. I shouldn't have though cos if I hadn't lost weight I would have lost motivation. Today (the day after the two day fast) I was actually ok until I started eating, it could have been entirely unrelated but I felt like I was gonna pass out (It could also have been pain from my daughter rolling over my bare toes in her roller skates). So I had to sit down and actually go for a sleep. I have noticed today though, the sugar craving is diminished and anything sugary feels way overloaded and I have actually just had a stomach cramp from eating too much. But I feel ok. My biggest mistake was today not actually having a plan of what I would eat.
Re: I did it!
03 May 2014, 14:04
I don't think I could do that. After doing 5:2 or 6:1 for nearly nine months I couldn't even do 4:3 or ADF. I hope you'll find what works for you.
Re: I did it!
03 May 2014, 14:30
Well done@debsie That's a great achievement all the replys just shows how very different we all are I have no problems whatsoever in doing back2back at all and like you I feel better for it, good luck with the jeans :clover: :clover:
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