The FastDay Forum

Delighted or Disappointed?

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I'm very pleased
05 Apr 2014, 08:13
Yesterday, I met some people who I've not seen for around five months and was delighted to be greeted by cries of, "Oh my goodness, you've lost a tremendous amount of weight How have you done that?" Needless to say, I spilt the beans and spoke of the delights of intermittent fasting.

In addition, somebody who sees me at work everyday said, "Gosh, you're wasting away. There'll be nothing left soon". I know that's not the case, and that I am still overweight, but it was still gratifying.

I have no photographs, as I've avoided the camera for a long time, so it is good to receive this feed-back, because, strangely, I almost forget how much slimmer I am, even when knowing how much weight I have lost and having given sack loads of large garments to the charity shop, as they were too large.

Yes, I'm delighted, very definitiely so.
Re: I'm very pleased
05 Apr 2014, 08:29
Well done @Bracken You've done a great job :heart:
I know how good it feels to give all our clothes to charity shop enjoy all the compliments you deserve such comment, you should be very proud of yourself too. :heart:
:clover: :clover:
Re: I'm very pleased
05 Apr 2014, 08:30
You should post those comment in the Compliments tent @Bracken No wonder you are pleased, very well done! :like: :like:
Re: I'm very pleased
05 Apr 2014, 08:34
So pleased for you Bracken x ! Keep up the good work,you' ll be pleased and so will the charity shops! So good to shed the larger clothes along with the weight! X
Re: I'm very pleased
05 Apr 2014, 08:41
Thankyou CandiceMarie x
Re: I'm very pleased
05 Apr 2014, 11:25
Well done on your weight loss, you've done amazingly well. And what great comments. :)
Re: I'm very pleased
05 Apr 2014, 17:05
Congratulations! What great progress @Bracken, I can see by your chart why folks are impressed. :rainbow: :star: :like: :victory: :victory:
Re: I'm very pleased
05 Apr 2014, 17:15
Well done on your weight lose. You have done amazing. Isn't it nice when people notice? I still feel shocked when I try on size 12 clothes and they fit! I keep checking the label size to see they are correct.
Re: I'm very pleased
05 Apr 2014, 17:22
Thankyou everybody. Yes, it is going well. I'm having a brief interlude of maintenance for a couple of weeks, and I'll get back to it with a vengence.
Re: I'm very pleased
05 Apr 2014, 17:26
Bracken, sorry I missed this fantastic celebration of yours, well done and hip hip hooray. :like:
Re: I'm very pleased
05 Apr 2014, 18:59
Kudos to you @bracken! It is so inspiring to read about your success. :like: :like:
Re: I'm very pleased
05 Apr 2014, 19:03
Yay....@Bracken - very well done! What fantastic compliments - you must have been so chuffed!

Keep up the good work! X

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
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