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I've grown (in height!)
15 Apr 2014, 22:12
Hi everyone, haven't been on here for a while, but I've kept up with the 5:2 with only a couple of weeks where I only managed the 1 day. It's is working, although it is very slow for me (I started last sep properly). That's fine, because I have to take HRT since I had my ovaries removed 2 years ago and following that I found I was gaining weight rapidly on them with no change in diet (middle age spread in my late twenties haha!). So I feel like 5:2 is battling off the weight gain and losing a bit off the top too.

Anyway last year I was measured at home and by the drs to be 171cm and 12 stone 13 just before I started 5:2. I've been measured again at docs and home at different times....and now I'm 172 cms and 11 stone 9 lbs. I reckon the weight loss has stopped weighing my spine down haha! What's funny is that this has tipped me over into the nhs healthy BMI range (just). It was my intermediate goal to get back to the healthy range, although I'm keeping going until I'm back in the 10stone somethings which was where I was at before my ovary problems.

But still, overall I'm really pleased, and regardless of weight it is having a great affect on my figure. :victory:
Re: I've grown (in height!)
15 Apr 2014, 22:34
That's funny! I always say "I'm not overweight, I'm just undertall!"

This WOE is going very slowly for me too and I'm not on any meds! So, hang in there. You have a great attitude about it!
Re: I've grown (in height!)
15 Apr 2014, 22:38
Hey @loseitlyd nice to see you on here again and still losing weight, well done you're into a healthy bmi however close a shave it is, and getting taller. Lol
Does feel so good when we receive the rewards we so justly deserve, be very proud of yourself. :clover: :clover:
Re: I've grown (in height!)
16 Apr 2014, 05:24
I always say my legs arent fat just too short (they need to be at least 2 to 3 foot longer) Well done on a healthy BMI and your height gain :grin:
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