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In shock lost on my hols!
15 Apr 2014, 08:06
We went away for the weekend. Although I didn't go overboard we still had Mcdonalds for tea on the first night ( although I have the chicken sandwich no yukky mayo) and popcorn later. The next day I had a reduced cal lasagne and some garlic bread and dough balls plus we had do nuts in the evening. I also had ice cream ( proper not whippy) and a pizza hut in the evening and a creme egg. Plus a variety of biscuits. Yet I have not put on any weight actually lost 3/4 lb. Both DH and I thought I must have put on at the very least a couple of pound. So quite happy today.
Re: In shock lost on my hols!
15 Apr 2014, 08:08
Oh isn't it a great feeling when you get away with it! Good for you!!

Bean :starving: :heart:
Re: In shock lost on my hols!
15 Apr 2014, 08:13
Well done @Brand-ie Great result for you :heart:
go with caution this week otherwise :shock: :shock:
Re: In shock lost on my hols!
15 Apr 2014, 08:40
Great work Brand-ie terrific end to a lovely holiday.

Re: In shock lost on my hols!
15 Apr 2014, 08:49
I'm sot of doing 16:8 this week but I had a small sherry last night about 9pm because I forgot about the 16:8 (holiday brain). I am planning to be careful this week as the kids are still off and we have chocolate fest... sorry Easter at the weekend.
Re: In shock lost on my hols!
15 Apr 2014, 08:51
Well done, great way of life, could never go back to how I ate before

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: In shock lost on my hols!
15 Apr 2014, 09:43
Weekend away, eating out, treats and scales showing a weight loss - now that's what I call a result! :like: Was really nice to read that @Brand-ie :heart: - well done :victory: :victory: :victory:
Re: In shock lost on my hols!
15 Apr 2014, 14:39
Lucky, lucky, lucky you @Brand-ie I have only got to look at a refined carbohydrate and the weight starts to go back on. :cool:
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