A new low on the scales: 11st 7.2

A new low waist measurement: I could probably fairly declare it as 30.5" but I am generously going to say it's an easy 31"

I can comfortably do up my aspirational size 10 jeans

Just tried on a very old and much loved size 10 dress from my clubbing days. Packed away for the last fourteen years but I might actually wear it again, if I can find a backless bra big enough

Final test; the wedding dress. I was 11st 2 the day I got married and the day I can fit back in it I'm booking the renewal of vows that we've been thinking about for a few years

Now I just have to find something to wear tomorrow as my photographer is doing an out and about photo shoot with us on the beach... Off to blitz my wardrobe, yet again.
Slowly but surely, this tortoise is winning the race