The FastDay Forum

Delighted or Disappointed?

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After one year on this journey I would like to offer my profound thanks to @Moogie for starting this wonderful forum and all the mods, @carorees for answering my questions and all of you lovely forum peeps whom I share this journey towards health and good life. THANKYOU!!! I also thank the lord that I heard about this 5:2 thing and saw MM 'S documentary.
A year ago I was not in a great place. I was obese ( hate that word) and was at a loss as what to do about it. I was ashamed of my weight, my puffy face and of what I looked like. When I was this big (104.4 kgs/16 stones 6 pounds) i felt different to everyone else and this made me have no confidence or self esteem. I just longed to have a normal sized body. Health wise I'd had blood work done when I turned 40 then avoided having any tests for the next 5 years. I pretty much knew my destiny was diabetes( strong family history) or a heart attack and a shortened life. I can remember thinking how sad it was that I probably wouldn't live long enough to meet my grandchildren. Pretty dire really but I did not know how to lose this excess weight. I am a lifetime member of WW but just couldn't face counting points AGAIN. Then there was buzz in the media about MMs fast diet. I bought 2013 WomensWeekly mag as it had an article with pictures of brekky and dinner you could eat for 500/600 from his book. The article focused on weight loss, not so much proposed health benefits of fasting which came as a nice bonus. Hubby had been losing weight already but thought that this WOE was something he could do so he started and when I got my head around it I started a week later.
The first few weeks weren't easy but doable especially considering the 4 KGS I lost in the first 4 weeks was a great motivator to continue ( and we had a 10 day holiday in that time).
Changes that have happened since then=
-on fast days I used to have 3 small meals, now I have dinner(300cals) with 2 teas and chicken bone broth ( homemade from freezer) around 4-5 pm when I feel a bit weird/empty. The salt and warming goodness makes me feel back to normal. For anyone interested just Google ' wellness mamma - how to cook bone broth' amazingly nutritious for only 20-40 calories per cup. Hubby still has 3 meals,(600 cals) has lost 18 KGS and is slim now and looks great and his doctor is very happy and now recommending 5:2 to other patients.
- I used to have 4 meals a day =28 meals a week. Now I have 3 meals on w/e, 2 meals on non fast weekdays ( due to waiting till I'm hungry -around 2 pm) and 1 meal on my 2 fast days= 14 meals a week. Which is half of what I ate before! Less than half actually because like so many others my appetite is much reduced.
- from what I've learned on the forum I now try to limit carbs most days to under 100 grams a day, and I've reduced white carbs and stuff in boxes and I cook most of what we eat from scratch.
- I wait till I'm hungry to eat and stop before I get too full otherwise I feel very uncomfortable.
-I base our meals on healthy fats, grass fed meat when I can and lots of veges.
- I am not obese anymore as I have lost 19.9 KGS /3 stone 3 pounds and now weigh 84.5 KGS/13 stone 4. I am overweight but I can handle that as I know that this WOL means I will reach an optimal weight when it is time. I don't feel as big and I feel a lot lighter. My doc is very proud of me and I am too.
As I've said lots of times to newbies I am just as motivated and excited about this WOE as I was a year ago. It really is sustainable and flexible with ups and downs but the forum friends help you through the hard times so you can carry on. So that's my story of being ' Delighted' and thank you all once again for all of your knowledge that you share, humour,honesty,camaraderie and friendship that we have shared over this time. Get excited! It works!!
Xxx julianna

20 KGS gone, 15 kg to go! ( size 16)
Im on the left.Size 20. Couldn't find a photo of me alone.
Julianna, this story makes me tear up. You have done SO well. I just love hearing stories like yours. You started in a really unhappy place and now you have the tools to take you back to health. It's so wonderful. We are SO lucky to have found this WOE. CONGRATULATIONS!
Thanks julianna,i loved reading your a big proud of you grin on my face! X
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:heart: Well done @Julianna What a difference a year makes you've done a fantastic job this last year be very proud of your achievements because the staying power you've shown lately is truly inspirational and the motivational weightloss for you to carry on towards the end of your
5:2 journey. :heart:
What an inspirational story! Congrats on your journey so far :-)
Sorry that I doubled up when I have edited a spelling mistake. Could a mod delete this second post If possible please @Debs, @Tracieknits or @Wildmissus?
What a lovely thread, you are an inspiration and amazing you are eating half your meals wow

Well done wishing you all the best for your continuing journey :like: :clover: :heart: :victory:
Thank you Julianna for your inspiring story, and Congratulations.
How amazing to have this huge and unexpected change to become the different and more fabulous person you are now!
I too am continuing along one year down, and very happy to keep it up.
:smile: :smile: :smile: :like:
Your story is thrilling, @julianna!
All I can say is that your story deserves a second telling, so no worries there, fantastic

Ballerina x :heart:
You are truly inspirational Julianna. I feel very emotional reading your story.

Thank you for sharing, and for being such a great member of this forum. It's people like you that keep everyone going through the tougher times.
Many, many, congratulations, Julianna! What a fabulous story and it's great to hear you feeling so much better about yourself, too.
Good luck with the next stage of your weight-loss journey. :smile:
So happy for you Julianna. You have obviously found a WOL that suits you and which you can stick with and have had fantastic success! Your weight loss is inspiring but the health benefits you have gained are even more encouraging, Well done you! xx
Good on you Julianna. What a great achievement. You made it happen. You are just about at 20kg loss and that is awesome for you. Keep going strong...

I never thought about counting total numbers of meals a week. good way of summarising the big change.

I too have a fastiversarry coming so kind of know what your feeling.
Awesome post Julianna. Well done, you sound great, so full of optimism and it's like a breath of fresh air. It's just what I needed to read today as I'm struggling with losing anything at the moment.
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