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Lost the plot
05 Jul 2014, 16:15
Been doing 5 2 for just over a year - have lost (well, had) just over 4st - complete 5 2 devotee etc. Weight loss slow but steady (except when I went on holiday and then packed it on because of inability to eat as low carb as I usually do) but when I get back home I got back on the wagon and it was fine. A couple of weeks ago I posted saying I'd got under 10 st for the first time ever. This week.....meh.

Started the week as usual; haven't had any massive piggy episodes and dong my usual low carby sort of eating. Got weighed on Thurs - I had gained a kg. 'Oh well' I thought - 'carry on'. Friday I gained another KILO. WHAT? So I am currently 2kg over what I was 2 weeks ago with no real reasoning as to why. When I look at my tracker I seem to have lost and gained the same couple of kilos over the past month. I am a daily weigher so I know about fluctuations but this is ridiculous. A clue may be that I am a (presumably) menopausal woman and my fingers suddenly feel like sausages and my ankles are a bit puffy so I am assuming it may be water retention but it really doesn't help my current frame of mind. I have been surprised in the past how much I personally can gain in water (5kg after the last holiday which disappeared in the same number of days when I got back - yes really and had I not seen the scales I wouldn't have thought it possible either).

Another possible (?) reason for the gain is that I have a prolapsed disc in my neck that has flared up (again) and the pain in my arm is indescribable when it's bad (which doesn't help). I take lots of nurofen though it doesn't really help and I read it can cause water retention. But you try getting referred on the NHS. Ha!

So - today I have eaten for England. 120g carbs (double the usual) and most of the fridge so I know that won't help my cause. I don't know what I want by posting - just to vent I suppose because I really am p'd off. I feel EEENORMOUS this week and it brings all the old rubbish feelings back and fear that I am losing control and no matter what I do I will just keep gaining and end up fat and miserable again.

So er.....thanks for listening. I hope for a better day tomorrow.
Re: Lost the plot
05 Jul 2014, 16:35
Hey Liz stupid question but did you measure?
I'm in the same boat as you but my holiday gain was down to my own stupidity going lowish carb and then trying almost every dessert on the menu each night that was mid May and I'm still not back to my pre holiday
lowest weight yet.
However the scales do rule us sometimes and like you when I see a number I wasn't expecting I overeat that day and beyond, my advice is to curtail Now!! eat healthily for the rest of our weekend then start afresh with a new determination on Monday probably doing 4:3 if possible and very low carb which will counteract your water retention which by the way I am queen of.
You know lowering our carbs makes the body burn fat for fuel so let's both make next weeks fastdays count as in not going over 20 grams for the 3 F/days that's my plan
Enjoy my weekend then start afresh Monday, don't let those unexpected scale numbers rule our lives, instead let's turn them around. :clover: :clover: :clover:
Re: Lost the plot
05 Jul 2014, 17:03
Firstly four stone is not to be sniffed at LG.
Your body is fighting back it seems. there are others who have lost a great amount like you who have also plateaued tremendously.
I'm here to listen and give hugs, but am not in possession of the right experience to be able to help fully.
good luck with it all. lets hope its just what you've mentioned, as it seem very possible to me.
Re: Lost the plot
05 Jul 2014, 17:14
Lets not lose sight of how very well youve done so far LG !! :like:
If youve got sausagey fingers and puffy ankles,you're deffo retaining water and water weighs heavy..but at least its only water and not fat! Much easier to get rid of!
Please dont get disheartened,remember how far you've come.
I know it sucks tho and can feel a bit overwhelming when there s a hiccup,so its good to have a vent! XX
Hopefully next week will be a different story for you x
Re: Lost the plot
05 Jul 2014, 17:38
First of all, congratulations on your achievement. You are an inspiration to many of us here. Nurofen is the likely culprit as you say, so you may just need to ride it out and keep your head down doing what you are doing because you know it works.

I do want to say however that 120g of carbs is nothing to get stressed about. If you are a low carb devotee, its still in maintaining territory. If you feel you need more carbs at this time then have them but try not to go over 150g so you don't completely yo-yo.

Remember to drink plenty of water and I hope you start to feel better soon.
Re: Lost the plot
05 Jul 2014, 17:45
I was in exactly the same boat reference the prolapsed disk in my neck. The referral will happen as long as you nag. But not for 3 months as generally most prolapses sort themselves out in that space of time. After 3 months they will sort out an MRI and appointments etc. I was on Tramadols, anti inflammatories, Pregabalin (to dampen down the nerve pains) and paracetamol. With massages and a TENS machine thrown in for good measure. It was still close to 2 years from first accident to surgery. You have my complete sympathy.
My surgery was done at our not so local specialist hospital and I was in and out within 36 hours nerve pain free and back exercising 8 weeks later and fasting 12 weeks later.

ALL painkiller dampen down your metabolism and many cause constipation and/ or water retention. Try cutting down on your manufactured carbohydrates eg. bread, pasta etc. But stuff yourself with lots of vegetables.
Re: Lost the plot
05 Jul 2014, 17:50
You've done amazingly well on this WOE well done you :)
Thanks for posting this as I'm feeling pretty much the same today after another small gain. It must be water as you know it's impossible to gain a kilo in such a short time. Are you having very hot weather where you are too? Good luck as you continue, I'm sure the extra water will leave us as quickly as it came. :) :clover: :clover: :clover:
Re: Lost the plot
05 Jul 2014, 18:34
{{{+}}} all round and don't despair as all shall be well. Deep breath, turn round three times, yes go on, and another deep breath.
On you go :0)
Re: Lost the plot
05 Jul 2014, 19:45
Thank you all. I have also lost the plot and am desperate to regain control. I feel fat again!
Re: Lost the plot
05 Jul 2014, 20:17
Now then...all of you who are claiming to have lost the plot....I can assure you that you have done no such thing!

What you are a bit of a wobble.....

Not the same thing at all!

In the grand scheme of things, timewise, it is nothing more than a nanosecond of wobblyness.......

Please don't be hard on yourselves! We all know that this journey is long haul....& crikey, but you have done so well!

So, a spot of forgiveness & understanding is in order! Fix your gaze firmly on the horizon....and pick up where you left off....when you can. Those blooming scales are fickle creatures at the best of times.....and when all is said & done, it's how you look & feel that matters. I certainly don't walk down the high street mentally weighing everyone I see - weight is just numbers after all! Why do we all get so hung up on them? Far better to appreciate the slight slackening off of a waistband.....or moving down a dress size (as opposed to it used to be!) I believe!

I had a shocking food week last week....eating everything in sight on non-fast days, due to TOTM I think. Did it undo the past 31 weeks? Of course not! You live & learn...about yourself & your psychology, all the time. This WOL has been so good to me and for me, that I wouldn't want to throw all the progress away on a whim, so I forgave myself & resolved to jump right back on that there "hoss"....& gallop off into the sunset. No idea what Monday's weigh in will bring, but whatever it is, I am committed to moving forward...however long it takes.....

And I just know that you all are too.......xx

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
Re: Lost the plot
05 Jul 2014, 20:21
P.S. Forgot to say....hats off to SueQ - for always being so helpful & caring to the rest of us.....not to mention positive - it's really noticeable :like: ....and appreciated xx

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
Re: Lost the plot
05 Jul 2014, 22:14
@loversghost, don't be so hard on yourself - good advice that! We are our own worst critics - another cliche. I have to admit they are both true statements.

Until recently I hadn't lost any true weight since last August - an impressive 10 months but I also know others that that have gone longer. However during that period I have put on weight and I lost weight, ie. I have maintained my weight loss for 10 months. Now that's something to be proud of.

I have had quite a stressful time this year but recently that stress has reduced and guess what... yes, I started losing weight again. Last week I put on - stress at work, this week I lost again - concentrating on looking forward to my holibags!

You've had a blip and you have been on here long enough to know that many of us have had blips but we are all here to support each other through these blips. Consider yourself told off :grin: and rant as much as you like.

Big hugs and see you over on the fasting thread on Monday!
Re: Lost the plot
05 Jul 2014, 22:58
I have a long history of disc problems causing nerve pain. I find that Tylenol (paracetamol) is more helpful for nerve pain than any of the other drugs, including the narcotics. I have never had it lead to water retention. Have you tried it? Just don't drink any alcohol if you take it as the combo can damage the liver.

Hot weather definitely makes me retain water, too.
Re: Lost the plot
05 Jul 2014, 23:12
Re: Lost the plot
06 Jul 2014, 11:51
Thanks to everyone who posted words of encouragement and support - it is much appreciated :-) I reckon by the time I'd finished last night the carb count was way over 120g but today is another day!

I shall take all the advice on board and thanks once again.

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