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Re: My Interim Goal!
17 May 2014, 17:32
Go @Bean ! Nice number - well done you. :like: Bean I'm just back from the shop and the pubs are full of Arsenal fans spilling onto the pavements. As you can guess, I live in Arsenal land. It's 2:2.
Re: My Interim Goal!
17 May 2014, 18:04
Why aren't you in there with them @Lizbean? Why do Arsenal never win easily. This is excruciating!

Must say, though...that fish n chip,pie was rather scrumptious :wink: oh no! Giroud just hit the bar, oh the agony :shock:

Better get back to viewing, just wanted to thank everyone for your lovely comments

Bean saying bye for now... :smile:
Re: My Interim Goal!
17 May 2014, 18:13
Calm down beanie its only a game
:shock: OH Ramsey's just missed :shock:
Good luck with the result looks like Hull are fighting
Yes OH is watching it and he is rooting for Arsenal :heart:
And Brucie needs 5:2/4:3/or ADF with you :heart: :heart:

have to add never heard of fish + chip pie :clover: :clover:
Re: My Interim Goal!
17 May 2014, 18:58
Hoorraaaaaaayyy! At last we have a trophy :grin:

As for fish n chip's a new concept from M&S and is really rather good. The only negative thing is the chips on the top aren't that good (but I cooked my own crinkle ones so that was ok :wink: )

Anyway...what a happy Bean :grin:
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Re: My Interim Goal!
17 May 2014, 19:41
Glad you liked the fish n chip pie Beano and were forward thinking enough to do extra chips! :lol:
( and now she's looking for - posh crisps! ** shaking my head sadly** ) :shock:
Re: My Interim Goal!
17 May 2014, 19:49
:victory: Well done beanie fantastic news. :victory: :)
Re: My Interim Goal!
17 May 2014, 20:00
First of all - WOO HOO!!!

Secondly, are those Italian Greyhounds in your avatar?
Re: My Interim Goal!
17 May 2014, 20:27
Oh so well done beaniebobs you deserve that pie

Hats off to you for persistence I am in awe
Re: My Interim Goal!
17 May 2014, 20:40
Oh @cblasz that's very observant of you. Most people think they are baby whippets but Poppy is 8 and Minnie just turned 7.

I've just eaten a double decker so I guess tomorrow's weigh in will be a bit disappointing

Re: My Interim Goal!
17 May 2014, 20:45
My father has one, she looks a lot like the light colored one! He had a full size greyhound before, but after she passed away, he got Reba because she's easier to travel with. Very sweet dogs!

I say don't weigh in tomorrow, stick with today's!
Re: My Interim Goal!
17 May 2014, 21:02
Hmm maybe you're right and I should only weigh after a fast day!

Iggies are just lovely little dogs. Mine are very set in their ways and are missing their granny and grandad quite a lot. They just don't like any sort of change to their routine...bless em xx
Re: My Interim Goal!
18 May 2014, 05:16
Well done, and double conratulations @nursebean - on reaching your goal and the footie. Don't think I've ever seen Arsene soaked in champers AND grinning before. Was quite a sight.
Re: My Interim Goal!
19 May 2014, 00:23
Way to go, Beanie! Very pleased with your scales! On your behalf!

Persistence has paid off. Proud of you xx

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
Re: My Interim Goal!
19 May 2014, 04:10
Congratulations! Always good to see those big numbers change downwards. :)

And great about Arsenal - heard the result yesterday - my dad has been a fan for almost 91 years.

Best wishes as you head for the next goal :D
Re: My Interim Goal!
19 May 2014, 07:29
So pleased for you.
I am in the same position , my interim goal of 161lb seems so near and so far. My Libra trend weight was at 161 for 3 days last week but this morning my weight (which I record on my progress tracker and which I count as my "true" weight) is back up to 162.4 :frown: ( Libra trend 161.3)
Your success gives me hope that I too will get there one day
Congrats again! :like:
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