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My ten week challenge
27 May 2014, 18:02
Ten weeks ago, a friend and I set ourselves a ten week challenge. Ten lb in ten weeks.

I restarted 5:2 and had my usual fast loss at the start, 5 or 6 lb off very quickly. I was doing total fasts on the fast days and it was so easy. My friend had been doing it for longer and (I think) got fed up with my jubilant texts.

Then I seemed to gain 4 lb after steady weight loss. It was discouraging after the loss. I kept going.

I hit a bit of a plateau and found the evening hunger more difficult so started having an evening meal on fast days.

Now, at the end of the ten weeks I have lost a stone and 1.5 lb. A very up and down journey on my iphone tracker graph but a really solid loss. :victory: :grin: :-D

I now have a week to go before a fortnight holiday. I will fast this week and decide on my next challenge!
Re: My ten week challenge
27 May 2014, 18:37
Hoya. You've done really well. Good for you. Long may it continue.
Re: My ten week challenge
27 May 2014, 18:47
Hello @Rbrum what a great start, you may or may not know that we do have buddies here, and it's a great motivator. Plus there's always a forum challenge of some kind or another, at the moment it's the summer solstice one which. But we had Xmas and Easter too.
So keep your eyes peeled for the new one, and have a super holiday. :clover:
Re: My ten week challenge
27 May 2014, 19:42
A wonderful loss and agreat encouragement for you and to us to keep on! X :like:
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