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Delighted or Disappointed?

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Not winning...
14 May 2014, 09:12
I am really not winning, I am losing big time (sadly not in the kilos sense).

sorry changed my mind about all the details, Thank you.
Re: Not winning...
14 May 2014, 09:36
Sorry to hear.
We all (most of us) struggle with weight there why we are here.
Just keep calm and focused. Its never so late, everything else will be right. :-D

Hope you fine your ring soon. :waiting: :angel:
Re: Not winning...
14 May 2014, 09:50
{{{+}}} hoping all shall be well.
Re: Not winning...
14 May 2014, 11:11
I'm not winning either at the moment, but I can't see any solution other than to keep calm and carry on and hope for the best...

Good luck Debsie!
Re: Not winning...
14 May 2014, 11:16
Debsie,maybe the time just isnt right for you to fast
Perhaps you can just watch your calories and carbs for now,damage limitation,you prob will pick up the pieces sooner or later,so just try to maintain at least
Or - grit yr teeth and push on with this..i didnt lose weight for first five weeks then lost two stone quite quickly. The body takes time to adjust to this WOL x
Re: Not winning...
14 May 2014, 11:27
I know where you are coming from debsie, I am in the same boat. There are many reasons for it and each of us is trying to figure out our best way forward. All I can say is stick with it, there aren't any other realistic options out there.
Re: Not winning...
14 May 2014, 12:33
@Debsimaybe it has to do with whats in the mind. Lat time I did 52 I was determined. This time I just expected it to happen and its not. I have tried to supplement this way and that with little to no success. My most success was to keep it simple...keep your mouth closed but to drink water water water.
Re: Not winning...
15 May 2014, 10:44
Reading through all the posts it is interesting to see how many of us did this last year,lost weight,put it back on and are struggling to get back into fasting.
I,too am feeling rathe despondent as no matter what I try ,I can't seem to lose weight
I agree,I think the thing is to just get into the rhythm of fasting ,weigh once a week and let it happen slowly.i am just too stressed about it.
Re: Not winning...
16 May 2014, 14:04
I agree @Sarahg. Perhaps we should think less about it and just do it..properly. I'd like to stop weighing for a while but it's a desire to do it. I suppose I should treat it like other willpower exercises and just stop weighing myself for a month.
Re: Not winning...
16 May 2014, 14:30
Couldn't stop for a month,might try not weighing for a day!
Think I will try ADF this week and weigh at end of the week
My hubby has been doing 5/2 ,interestingly he started when I stopped at end of last year.he has such a level headed approach.fasts twice a week ,weighs on a Monday ,eats normally on nonfast days and copes with small but steady weight loss...
Mind you he has it easy as I prepare all his meals,count his calories on fast days and make him lovely big salads and healthy dinners ,then I eat something different instead of joining him..
So tomorrow I fast but don't weigh!
Re: Not winning...
16 May 2014, 14:52
I weigh every day which helps keep me in check, but don't worry @debsie I think its the time of year or something. We're all in holiday mode and we just want to be able to eat what we want and not put a bean on. Oh wouldn't that be good.

One thing I do think thats great about fasting is that you end up really appreciating food...more so than you would if you just ate what you wanted every day. I think Paul McKenna is right when he advises people to eat as slowly and deliberately as possible and not to feel guilty about leaving food (something I found hard to do. Hate wasting food!) but by eating slowly (chewing 20 times at least and thinking about the food, noticing the flavours, textures) you notice yourself filling up and you realise you don't need so much.

I certainly can't eat as much as I used to be able matter how hard I try!!

Re: Not winning...
17 May 2014, 06:58
To be honest I've gone up from 12 stone to about 12'5.

My waist is ok so I take it yet another plataeau...... prob the same with you.

A bit of fasting, a bit of exercise, it's got to work.
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