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Delighted or Disappointed?

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My ribs to be precise...

There I was, doing my daily "can I see my own collarbone yet?" check before jumping in the shower, when lo and behold I spotted 2 curved things.....Naturally, it took me a little time to understand what I was seeing (have probably never seen them before!) but once I did, you should've seen the size of my smile :grin:

Next thing you know, I'll be seeing my hip bones once more.....cor, I've missed them!

This WOL is so great....

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
Well done @Hazelnut20 great feeling the reappearance if our bones.

can just about feel mine but not showing yet!!
Congratulations! Looks like you are doing awesome with this WOE!
Yay @Sue.Q - that's great!

Keep up the fantastic work & remember you are an inspiration to us all.....

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
That's a very nice surprise - results from your efforts, congratulations! :)
Hahahahaha. I litterly lol! @Hazelnut20 :grin: :grin:

I had a breastcheck recently and got them to check out the lump just under my breast. It was a rib. I'd never felt it before. Im just waiting for the hip bones to appear. Wish I could stop more weight coming off my face though.
Well done, you!
Good work H! I tried to give you a thumbs up but it keeps saying " invalid"!
Are they trying to say I' m insincere :confused:
Here's one anyhoo from the smilies....oh i can't,the yellow banner is covering the top line smilies!
Some smiles anyway xxxx :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
Im doing the happy happy weight loss jig for you. well done and im delighted that you're delighted. :heart: :victory:
Well done, it's a great feeling. When I lye down I can feel the front of my hip bones! What a lovely avatar, great to see you.
Well done and bet you feel great!
Oh you lot are so lovely! It is great to have a small triumph and even greater to be able to share it with like-minded people who really understand your joy! Thank you, thank you :heart: for your kind comments....

I am beaming from ear to ear about @scubachick's "lump" that turned out to be her rib.....and chuffed to think that my little post prompted a dance in my honour too - thank you so much @carieoates

Here's wishing you friends a lovely weekend....whatever you are doing xx

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
P.S. Thanks @CandiceMarie for all those lovely smilies too! You are always so supportive & I really appreciate your comments x

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
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