The FastDay Forum

Delighted or Disappointed?

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I have been fastign today and finding it quite difficult but I got through most of the day.. in the last hour though I caved and took my calories up to 636 ( I usually manage 500)...
what should I do? eat a bit less tomorrow too- rather than not think about calories?

It is so strange that some days I can do this just fine and others are sooo hard- does anyone know why this could be?


Don't worry about it. Some days I have 500 cal. Some 600-650 cal. (If I'm out all day the options for low cal meals are few. So I have been sticking with protein bars that I can keep in my purse.) This is slightly above my fasting day calorie allotment, but still way less than what I would normally eat. So I figure it is OK. Also, on the day after a fast, I don't eat till I am hungry. That means lunch on most post-fast days (no breakfast). So it evens out.
I think you can't beat yourself up over an extra 100 calories. Sometimes, whether it's for hormonal, emotional or weather related reasons we just crave more food. If I were you I'd eat as normal tomorrow and focus on your next fast. Maybe have a look through the recipe ideas here and find something interesting and filling. The thought of it will keep you going through the day!
Put it behind you bigbee you didn't do to bad it was still a
very good fast.The fact you went over won't matter I'm sure its far less than any of your daily calories before 5:2 if you feel it isn't enough you could do an extra one or tomorrow do a 16:8 that's what suited me on bad weeks.
Good Luck and don't beat yourself up. :clover: Sue. :clover:
I suspect I am usually over- but I am still losing(slowly) and as far as I am concerned That's the way it will continue to be because I am finding it sustainable-which I guess is my mantra
I would just call it a day,draw a line under it,congratulate self for completing another fast n repair day,get up tomozz and treat it exactly same as if you'd had only 500 cals today x
Scarlett, tomorrow is another day!! Don't worry!
I agree with the others, it's not worth fretting over. You've still reduced your calorie intake significantly on a fast day compared to the rest of your week. Job Done :)
I agree with the other replies. Also the 500 per day for women was based on a daily calorie intake of 2000, so there is some flexibility either way depending on your individual statistics. In theory I should have been 350 - 400 per day, but I always aim for the 500 and 5:2 is certainly working for me!
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