The FastDay Forum

Delighted or Disappointed?

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Really Happy
20 May 2016, 07:57
Hi Everyone :smile:
Just a quick catch up after my holiday.
After spending 10 days all inclusive in Mallorca :cool: I'm pleased to say I'm the same weight as I was the day I flew
out there :grin: :grin: :grin:
To be honest I'm not too surprised, I ate more than I would normally eat without any fast days, but I found that my food choices were very different from previous holidays.
It looks like thanks to the 5-2 and all the help from you lovely lot, I've actually got a new way of eating and it's starting to stick with me (I know there will be difficult periods, but I'm learning to tackle them now).
Keep with it can do it :wink: :grin: :wink:
Re: Really Happy
20 May 2016, 08:53
That's good it's always nice when we realise that we've changed our eating habits for the better.
Re: Really Happy
20 May 2016, 10:35
Well that is a result. The best thing about this WOL is the changes in eating habits without even trying. Hope you had a lovely holiday. Well done :)
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