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Delighted or Disappointed?

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17 days since ive seen 71kg plus anything on the scales.

whooohooo. felt like it needed a shout out.

not seeing a figure (71) for a while is a great feeling. means you are truly heading for that target weight.

at a start weight of 75kg.. thats 5 digits (75,74,73,72,71) ive not seen for a good year now. yippeee :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: 1 digit to go as my plan is never to see the 70 mark again on any weighing. .just 69's and 68's.

i have 900 grams to go on Libra weight to get to maintenance. giving myself till christmas 2014 per my siggie. Hey slow and steady is good enough for me.

Wonder if you will let me start up the Christmas club challenge? (after summer stolcice one)
Congratulations and well done Juliana! :grin: I'm hoping I've seen the last of the 11 stone mark as I've been up and down between 10 stone 10 and 11 for about a month now. I'd deffo be up for a Christmas challenge I reckon.
Well done on the loss and the snappy title..i like it! :like:
As for the crimbo challenge,its not so much can you set it, are we up to it! :?: :lol: x
Oh berlimey, don't talk about Christmas yet! :shock:

I'm like you @egregious except I just can't get to 10 stone something. Mind you, this morning I was 11:0.0 so surely after my fast tomorrow I should see 10...something! Well done @Juliana.Rivers that's some feat!

Bean :bugeyes:
nursebean wrote: Oh berlimey, don't talk about Christmas yet! :shock:

I'm like you @egregious except I just can't get to 10 stone something. Mind you, this morning I was 11:0.0 so surely after my fast tomorrow I should see 10...something! Well done @Juliana.Rivers that's some feat!

Bean :bugeyes:

Hey, what about a preliminary challenge to get us in the mood for the real Christmas challenge.

Christmas in July challenge?

A lot of Aussies celebrate it as its the only time we can pretend to be having a white Christmas and the roast and all (though in some parts of Aus it is actually snowing in July.)

what do you think... as soon as the Solstice one is over?
Fingers crossed for you @nursebean. Hmm maybe it is a bit early to be talking about Chrimbo. July or August sounds reasonable. I didn't fancy my chances of achieving much by summer solstice, as I have been stuck for a while. But things seem to be starting to shift a little again.
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