The FastDay Forum

Delighted or Disappointed?

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Julie - what a great post and that is exactly how it works for me.. I am ruled by water! But slowly, my body is changing shape with this diet, and I'm so pleased too! I'm happy to be on this journey with you, and all these great folks.

Congrats Julie - I read your post and it shows that it pays to persevere when it would be so easy not to. My weight is all over the place - I lost 1.5kg last week to my amazement and yet this week seem to have put most of it back on, despite being 'good' but I will continue, because so many have on here and like you it pays off. I too agree with your thoughts re water retention. Anyhow - glad you've got through the plateau!
Well done Julie, that's fantastic news - I'm sure that the body needs time to get used to it's new weight occasionally & just tests us to make sure that we're serious about this (like a naughty child!) - well done for showing it that you won't take no nonsense !!!!!
Julie, what a great post. I hope lots of people read it. I had a 7 week plateau back in May/June, which actually meant that I maintained the weight I had already lost for 7 weeks and agreed that my body had to reset. Over the last 3 weeks I've put on 2lbs - I'm not worried as I've felt tired and lethargic and once I get myself moving again I'll start losing weight again. Patience and perseverance is definitely the key. Good luck in getting that BMI point off.
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