The FastDay Forum

Delighted or Disappointed?

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Weighed myself last night and I've lost 4 more pounds, that means since starting 5:2 i've lost 7lbs according to the weight tracker! I've lost half a frigging stone! Happy doesn't describe how i feel right now!! :victory: :grin: Going to celebrate tomorrow with a home made korma (change4life recipe) as today is my fast day! Gosh I am soooooo pleased with myself!!!! :dance:
Well done. We are allowed to get emotional every now and then, lets be honest it's a big diet change for most of us.
Oh wow! That's FANTASTIC! Well done you xx

Bean :starving: :heart:
Awesome result DragonsHeart!
That's great @DragonsHeart - well done! :victory: :heart:
Well done there @DragonsHeart! Keep up the good work! :like:
Well Done DH! X
Well done and thanks for sharing, its cheered me up no end! Jumped on the scales this morning convinced I was going to see a significant shift downwards and what did I see - zilch! :-(
I will not give up :-) it will happen
@SkinnyJeans I thought i'd put some weight back on, to see that I lost more was thrilling, don't get disheartened, I know you'll get there! :D
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