I will point out the the diclofenac was prescribed with blessings from my then doctor for back problems and it wasn't until a chemist pointed out the complications and questioned how long I had been on them that I had to stop.
The weakening in the stomach didn't becme evident for another few years although I did used to drink Gaviscon like it was going out of fashion! ( I also have a Hiatus hernia).
I've had two minor and five major ulcer bleeds in two years now so if you take any kind of NSAIDS please be aware!!!
The weakening in the stomach didn't becme evident for another few years although I did used to drink Gaviscon like it was going out of fashion! ( I also have a Hiatus hernia).
I've had two minor and five major ulcer bleeds in two years now so if you take any kind of NSAIDS please be aware!!!