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Delighted or Disappointed?

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So woe ...
23 Jul 2013, 20:44
Combatting fibromyalgia and an insane couple of months at work proved too much, and I started over-eating to try and comfort myself. So for a couple of months now I haven't lost any weight at all. But I have some how managed to keep a strict 5:2 routine during all this, and therefore at least not gained any weight.

I feel like I am beginning to get back on track, i've started to loose a bit again, but the question is : How will I be able to cope with bad Fms periods, when it feels like the only thing to do to feel better is to eat? The sweeter and fattier the food the better. And i don't really feel better of course, the sugar overload makes me feel even worse.

Any one have any tips or ideas? /Annica :frown:
Re: So woe ...
23 Jul 2013, 20:50
Hmm... it can be hard to break a bad cycle. Part of it will be finding something that actually does make you feel better. So searching the Fibromyalgia support groups for ideas would be a good place to start.

Another thing can be your mental toolbox. What if you kept a journal about how you are feeling and what you are doing. So if you eat a bunch of crap food you would record how that makes you feel (better or bloated, cranky, whatever). I am not suggesting a calories counting journal, instead it is a general health/emotion journal. Perhaps if you could see the 'tough phase' of your condition starting up you could acknowledge it, and then start responding to it differently (ie not with food).
Re: So woe ...
23 Jul 2013, 21:04
Thank you Carleneruns. It's actually not a bad idea, i think I might try that!
Re: So woe ...
24 Jul 2013, 00:12
I have fibro too. Its the pits! I find I eat from echaustion. My brain seems to totally lise the ability to distinguish between tiredness and hunger. It seems to acknowledge that someting is missing ie the need for sleep, and fills the void with the urge to eat!

In all honesty I haven't got it fully sussed yet, and I'm seriously struggling to continue to lose, but I have stopped the tendency to regain and fasting seems to be starting to reprogram my brain so that I'm more aware of what is hunger and what is my brain playing tricks. I have found a low carb diet very beneficial as have some of my friends with FM. It seems to help a lot with improving energy levels and that in turn makes it easier to eat properly.

People with FM don't seem to cope very well with grains which impares magnesium absorption and that makes the muscle spasms worse. It makes sense to experiment a bit. If you can give yourself longer between flares they wont impact as much when they do come.
Re: So woe ...
24 Jul 2013, 03:14
Don't know if it is relevant by just went to a fantastic 2 day workshop but sadly the lollies on the table were just too tempting and I ate and ate and ate them over the two days. Also I indulged in the fried lunch items ~ Chinese banquet. So after 2 days of an uncharacteristic sugar and who knows what else chemical wise intake (I attacked the snakes and gummy lollies) I am aching badly in my bones. I was wondering if the lollies and the deep fried food has set of an inflammation process. I have been so disciplined giving my body healthy foods this was a serious glitch especially as I have been feeling so well, Miffy I have issues with grains too. I am liquid fasting today hoping to flush out the chemicals I scoffed
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