The FastDay Forum

Delighted or Disappointed?

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Hello everyone,

I reached the six month point a couple of weeks ago, and thought I'd sit down and put a few thoughts together; I know when I started out I was keen to see how people fared a little way down the line. I'm not a regular poster (especially since the site changed, I don't find it runs well on my phone, so rules out a quick post here and there) but lurk everyday!

I was 9st 10lbs when I started, 5'5", bmi 23 something I think, size 14, so not massive but was looking and feeling a bit chunky. I am now 8st 2 lbs, bmi 19, size 10 to 8 which is slimmer than I have ever been as an adult. Weight loss was steady, averaged out at 1 lb a week, 22lbs in total. My goal has dropped as I have gone along, first it was 9st, then 8 st 7, then 8st 3.5. I've been sort of maintaining at 8st 2lbs to 8st 4 lbs, but if I'm honest (and I'm trying to be here!) I would like to hit the round 8 stone!

I've done basic 5:2, fasting mondays and wednesdays, and have skipped two fasts since starting when I was on holiday. Yes, I put on three pounds, but I had a cracking holiday and LOTS of treats and lost it again in one and half weeks. If I'm honest (as I said, I'm trying to be) I'm maintaining on two fasts a week as I tend to over eat at the weekend, too much wine and chocolate! :oops: I try and be careful in the week food days (although I don't count calories; for me that would make it too much like hard work) however, mostly successfully but not always. I would like to drop to 6:1 (or maybe 6:1 one week, then 5:2 the next) but like the freedom to eat what I like at the weekend, and at the moment accept that the 'penalty' for this is to fast twice a week. This may change, I have a hazy concept of trying to be 'better' at the weekend, but then do think life is for living and enjoying and if I want a bit of cake I'm going to have it! On fast days I have got into a real routine, and I think this has helped me as I don't really have to think about food much. I have some carrots and hummus at lunch with the kids, and a chicken salad for dinner, and save myself a banana for about 8pm if I need it, but more often these days I don't bother with that.

I've also got into exercising, not really a me thing at all!! I'm limited for time as I work and have kids and no one to watch them for me, so I've been doing free videos on you tube. I've got into a routine of doing kettlebell workouts, followed by pilates three times a week, and I can really see the difference after about five months I suppose. Not radical but I can definitely see my arms are toned and my abs on the way! Oh, and I always try to exercise on a fast day before I eat.

I won't lie, it's amazing to be a size 8 to 10! BUT (speaking as someone in the past who would periodically try a new diet, lose a bit then put it all back on again) it's not quite the life changing event I thought it would be! Stick with me if that sounds weird, but I suppose I thought life would be radically different and wonderful if I was slimmer, and yes, it's nice to fit into nice jeans, but I am still the same old me, with the same old hang ups and problems. In my head I don't FEEL slimmer, even though I understand that I MUST be as my old clothes are too big. Of course, this is not 5:2s fault, it is a psychological quirk within me. I also have to resist the temptation to lose more weight, as I have said I would like to be 8 stone, but do worry that once there (if I do get there, I'm not really pushing for it) 7st 12lbs might look rather tempting! Although my husband and family say I look good, I've had some negative comments at work,worth noting however that these are from people who are significantly overweight themselves, so sour grapes maybe...?!

Sorry long post, but I hope it helps someone. To sum up, IT WORKS. Fasting DOES get easier (although some will always be easier than others). You CAN do it! It will make you fitter and healthier, but it's not a magic wand, you do need to work at it, and I'll let you know how the next six months go! :smile:

Best Wishes to you all,
Charlie Cook :heart:
Great post Charlie and very well done on your achievement so far!
Very enjoyable read Charlie..good to hear of your experience x
I really enjoyed reading your post and as someone of a similar height and weight loss as yourself I do understand the feeling that eventually creeps up,on you that you are just the same size as you have always been even though you are slipping into smaller clothes with ease. A very strange feeling and yes, do resist the urge to lose more and get that 'slim' feeling again, it never lasts long unfortunately. You have done extremely well, now for the maintenance bit, should not be too difficult as it sounds as though you have it all hacked, well done

Ballerina x :heart:
What a terrific post - thanks so much for putting it together. Congrats on your success & hard work. What I appreciate most is that you still live your life on weekends, I find that really important in avoiding that "diet-y thinking".Continued success, do keep us posted.
Hi Charlie

Really enjoyed reading your post. A lot of what you say resonates with me, my experience has been very similar.

Best wishes for the future, please join us in the maintenance tent.

Cheers! :)
Well done @CharlieCook You've done a great job. :like:
Great post and I'm sure you'll find a happy medium regarding your maintenance plans, worry not about the jealous people but try not to become to obsessed with the lower numbers on the scales and be happy and very proud of all you've achieved. :like: :clover: :heart:
Fabulous post - thank you so much for sharing.

Yes, so many of us fall into the trap that life would be perfect if we were only xx weight. But you're absolutely right, in the end, we are still who we are.

Wishing you the best success in maintenance :-)
Thankyou for your post, Charlie.

How very true that you remain the same person after fasting as the one that you were before you started; all be it a slimmer and healthier one. A slimmer body will not miraculously remove all our difficulties along with the inches, just like a move to somewhere different can never be a totally new start, because we take ourself with us. I think that is something which we need to remember.

Congratulations on your losses and improved health and fitness and good luck in maintaining them.
Well done on your weight loss. It is nice to hear from someone else who has gone for a lower BMI and feels the benefit. Even on this forum there can be a bit of snide remarks about being gaunt and so forth. You obviously know yourself and your temptations so I believe you will resist siren calls to lose even more and concentrate on the challenges of maintaining. Just got to that place myself, so please overcome the tech challenges from time to time and contribute to the Maintenance threads :clover: :clover:
[quote="barbarita"] Even on this forum there can be a bit of snide remarks about being gaunt and so forth.

This is exactly why I no longer display my BMI even though I never felt that any of the remarks in the past were aimed at me personally

Ballerina x :heart:
Thank you for your post. Charlie, it's very inspirational and hopefully will help some others down the road. Maybe you could join up with the happy maintainers here, @Pennyforthem, @Callyanna, @Stowbridge Resident, @carorees. There are many here who have battled with there adult weight and others who are here to trim up a bit and several who are here to gain the other benefits of fasting.

Good luck and finding your happy weight/place. :oops: :like:
Really interesting post, thank you!
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