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Someone noticed!!
11 Mar 2014, 09:23
While I was waiting for middle daughter to get ready after swimming last night one of the teachers from school was waiting to go into a class and we got talking, she goes "you've lost weight, I noticed the other day when you walked past" I was well chuffed as she is the first person who didn't know I have been trying to lose weight that has noticed.

The few friends and family that know have said how well I am doing and my husband has been really great and keeps giving me positive comments. He said the other day that he can notice as "there is less of you to hold". Although it is really nice that people who know have commented it is really good that someone who didn't know has noticed.
Re: Someone noticed!!
11 Mar 2014, 09:30
What a great confidence boost Michelle! You must have felt so pleased that your efforts are being noticed, well done you!
Re: Someone noticed!!
11 Mar 2014, 10:05
Well done Mich! Like cally said,it's a confidence boost isn't it,and rewards you for all your efforts!
Re: Someone noticed!!
11 Mar 2014, 10:16
That's so wonderful Michelle, you must have felt great!
Re: Someone noticed!!
11 Mar 2014, 10:17
That's marvellous @Mich37 well done you!
Re: Someone noticed!!
11 Mar 2014, 10:29
Fantastic! Well done @Mich37 :victory: :victory: :victory: :heart:
Re: Someone noticed!!
11 Mar 2014, 11:20
It's a wonderful moment! Nice to have your efforts noticed.
Re: Someone noticed!!
11 Mar 2014, 11:30
Yeah thanks guys it was. Even when the scales, your clothes and the tape measure are telling you you have lost it is so nice to hear it from someone.
Re: Someone noticed!!
11 Mar 2014, 14:13
:heart: Well done @Mich37 Those are just the best comments ever and such confidence boosters. :heart: Sue
Re: Someone noticed!!
11 Mar 2014, 16:51
Way to go @Mich37!

Am so pleased for you! Can just imagine how it felt. Brilliant!

Well done you!

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
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