I have been fasting on Mondays and Thursdays, but this week I decided to do Monday and Wednesday instead because the end of the week is full of social events. Monday's fast was fine as usual, but Wednesday was awful! I had all the things I normally do, same amount of coffee, eggs around 11 am, and then dinner with my family - and if anything, I had even more water than usual. But nothing helped my headache, muscles aches, and fatigue. I'm still feeling it today.
I'm only 4 weeks into this lifestyle. I'm wondering if any of you that have been doing this for a while have found that they really need a couple of days in between fasts, or if you've found that a harder than average fast day may be the first sign you are getting sick. Luckily I didn't experience this straight away or I might not have stuck with it! It's my first bump in the road with this WOE.
I'm only 4 weeks into this lifestyle. I'm wondering if any of you that have been doing this for a while have found that they really need a couple of days in between fasts, or if you've found that a harder than average fast day may be the first sign you are getting sick. Luckily I didn't experience this straight away or I might not have stuck with it! It's my first bump in the road with this WOE.