The FastDay Forum

Delighted or Disappointed?

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I have been fairly negative recently, with a 1lb weight gain in the last 2 weeks inspite of my hard work. I tend to pop into when I need to be cheered up. Therefore my posts are a bit whingy. So, its about time that I actually celebrate a little success.

I was driving through the village today and a 20ish year old hunk gave me a scond look. We locked eyes and everything! Perhaps he thought I was his mam coming to collect him, but my story is that he checked me out. :grin: I'm the wrong side of 40 and this hasnt happened for a long time, so I'm clutching onto it. Ahhh, good feeling. I wonder if hubby would let me keep him as a pet. :grin:
I'd take it that you are looking good so enjoy
Oooh @scubachick - that is soooo great...congrats to you!!

I think a new pet would be just the ticket - you could train him to put the kettle on and everything on fast handy would that be??

Bask dear,'s your moment.....and here's to many more!

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
@Gillymary, I felt anything but good today. Im a tracksuit with a messy bun. But that makes it all the sweeter.

Hazelnut20 wrote: ..I think a new pet would be just the ticket - you could train him to put the kettle on and everything on fast handy would that be??...

Basking, @Hazelnut20, I am basking. I was thinking of training him for more...ah hem...energetic activities, which of course would speed up the weight loss :grin: The good thing about being a catholic is that even thinking it is dirty :wink: Im off for a cold shower now.
Well done @scubachick I think you're right
No chance with keeping him as a pet though :shock:
It's great when something like that happens. I got ID'ed in Sainsburys on Tuesday when buying wine. I'm 43 and it made my day :lol:
Ohh lovely :grin: bet that made your day :wink:
Well done Scooby and @Alf! We can enjoy looking in the sweetshop,doesn't mean we have to buy! Take it from a girl called Candy! :lol:
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Enjoy the moment........again and again and again.
Hilarious scooby, I actually laughed out loud more at the keeping him as a pet bit.
Don't tell my Hubs but we've got a pe teacher at my school. Very nice indeed. I told him he looked tidy the other day, then blushed as I realised what it sounded like but all i meant was he'd had a haircut and shave. But he is cooshty. So I done mind.
@scubachick - you're not the only one - heh heh :cool: sadly mine were not as young as yours :shock: :shock: :shock:

Nevertheless ... :victory: :cool: :victory: :cool: :wink:
Well, @Silverdarling mine are all gray-headed or bald :curse: :lol:
Old, grey-headed or bald - they all count!
@scubachick how wonderful! You've still got it! :like: :cool:
Having been so overweight men haven't looked at me for a probably 10 years when I was slimmer and younger.I'm 46 now. The last month or so I'm regularly getting looks. Apparently I'm attractive to 55-65 year old men. :cool: I'll take that! I just feel shocked whenever it happens. Enough about me. Woohoo to you, you sexy thing!
Xxx :victory:
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