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The Scales are not my friend!!
19 May 2014, 09:36
So today I got up and weighed myself....BAD IDEA!! I was 72.5kg making my BMI 29.2. I then went downstairs, went to the fridge and ate a bar and a half of dairy milk, I'M NOT EVEN THAT KEEN ON DAIRY MILK!!!

I seriously need to get rid of the scales. They used to be in a cupboard so I had to go and purposefully get them out to weigh myself, meaning I didn't do it too much, but I moved them to the bathroom so I could have full access. I honestly think this has been to my detriment. Definitely moving them out the way, thinking of putting them in the loft so I really have to make an effort to get them out.
Measure instead of weighing!
I had a big stress at the weekend when I got on the scales and found that I am still up 2 kilos from my maintenance weight and have been for nearly a month despite fasting 2/3 times a week and exercising, then a forum member told me to measure, and I did and found that my waist is 2cms smaller, so well, who knows what the weight is and who cares!
Wow look at that!! The waist is down 2.5cm!!! Smiling now, I could kiss you @Nicky_94
There, you see,debsie,what we always say on here..the scales may not be yr friend,but the tape measure can be! :like:
Oh I agree, @CandaceMarie, scales can be our enemy. For years my emotional state seemed bound to my scales. The day they broke and I threw them away I cheered. I think there are many people here that could probably tell similar horror stories of bondage to their scales. By default there is a set of scales in the bathroom (belonging to one of my daughters) and I have found myself feeling that insidious desire to weigh everyday. I tell myself that I won't pay attention to the fluctuations, but I can't help it. So I'm planning to weigh no more than fortnightly. Once a month sounds more reasonable. I'm going to rely on my tape measure more. I would really like to ask my daughter to take them back, but I'm not sure I can do that yet. I'm working my way toward it though. :geek:
I'm going to be controversial here and disagree. Whenever I get the tape measure out and expect to see great results...theres no change. I weigh every day and tend to go up and down 2 pounds and then stay down for my weekly weigh in. I find weighing daily keeps me on my toes. If I didn't look at them, I'd just eat whatever I fancied on feast days and not worry...but I do look and I don't like it when the scales go up

:confused: :bugeyes:
I suppose it depends whether you are the type that goes on a binge if the scales are cruel or the type who has a fast day if the scales are cruel we are all different. I can understand those who go on a binge deciding to get rid of the scales. I need them to keep me on the straight and narrow.
@debsie Don't know why we do this self sabotage I've done that many times then mini binge later and full of regret
Measuring is better but still numbers, but the main reason for most if our quick gain is usually water which then goes away sometimes as quick as it appeared.
My sneaky peek today was good news so now I'm on track for a very good fastday those good numbers are motivation for us I'm now full of it again.
However having just returned from holiday with a 4kg gain which I know was even worse 2 days earlier on my return but forgot to weigh in my legs were enormous/swollen and had to go back on diuretics.
Water mostly now forgive yourself for your naughtiness in the fridge move on and learn from it, you won't have done lasting damage be very good the rest of the day. :clover: :clover: :clover:
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