The FastDay Forum

Delighted or Disappointed?

5 posts Page 1 of 1
1. I had my T-Shirt inside out,

2. Out of date orange juice in the fridge (omg eww!)

3. I have dropped a belt notch!!

So dopey today! XD but yes I have dropped another belt notch in order to keep my trousers up, not weighed myself in a long old time, so gonna have to pull out the Wii Fit and investigate in a bit, but so dang pleased, not been keeping up with the 5:2 as rigorously as I've needed to, but this has motivated me to get back on track! :D
Well done DragonsHeart. That's a great feeling isn't it.
It really is! :D
Well done @DragonsHeart That's absolutely brilliant and yes a great feeling and motivational booster :heart:

PS something else you didn't see this morning also is
Your avatar :shock: :shock: :shock:
@Sue.Q oh no, it's not here either, that @CandiceMarie has hidden it well!
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