The FastDay Forum

Delighted or Disappointed?

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Having lost a reasonable amount in the first few weeks I then put on a little for no apparent reason. Last week was a bad week with a few nights out, takeaways and beer. I weighed today and have lost a few more pound. I really cant keep up with it lol. Lets hope it continues. I have now lost a total of 8.5Kg (19Lb) Still a long way to go but the latest loss has given me the boost I need to carry on. I also check in here daily and you also give me incentive to keep going. I thank you all for that :like: :oops:

.......and now on with the fasting!
Well done on your loss so far Phil (not a girl).
I've given up trying to work it out and am just going with the flow :)

Happy fasting :)
Well done Phil not a girl. :victory:
Now let's see you over in that venting tent "geeing" up the troops.
"bizarre" is an interesting adjective to use for this diet

and yes it can be considered a little strange to defy all those rules about eating regularly all day
Phil not a girl! 19 lb since 2 April is amazing ! Thats over 6 lb a week! How fab is that! X :like:
You guys do so much better than us must be delighted youre not- a- girl! X :geek:
CandiceMarie wrote: Phil not a girl! 19 lb since 2 April is amazing ! Thats over 6 lb a week! How fab is that! X :like:
You guys do so much better than us must be delighted youre not- a- girl! X :geek:

Thanks Candice, I actually started 12th March but only joined this group on the 2nd April, Im still pleased though :-D
Ok six weeks then..over three pounds a week! X result! :like: x
Absolutely delighted for you, Not-a-girl Phil!!

We love to read about success on keep it coming I say!!

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
Well done, Phil!

I like the title of this thread. This diet is kinda bizarre, isn't it?!
Well done Phil, what a high you must be on. This WOE is so excellent that you can still enjoy your social life and bizzare that you can just throw all the eating rules we have been told our whole life out the window, fast 2 days and listen to your body the other 5 days and just eat when your hungry, whatever you like till satisfied but not too full and magically over time if you're lucky you start to want healthier real foods.
Best wishes on our journey to good health Phil.
Xxx julianna
Thanks all for the kind words of encouragement. That is one of the great things about this forum. Friendly support :)
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