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Today I overate because...
09 May 2014, 20:30
Today was a poor poor effort on my part. Did very badly, I've been thinking about it and I've come up with the reasons why

1) I did not plan it well enough
2) I put a lot of pressure on myself to do certain things today
3) (And probably most importantly) I was very very tired today - couldn't sleep last night, I have realised that despite thinking otherwise my whole life, I do in fact sleep better on an empty stomach
4) When I realise I have stuffed up on a day I just keep going and end up eating a tremendous amount of calories

So tomorrow

1) I have a plan for the day (roughly of course)
2) I am not going to put too much pressure on myself, I will do what I can do and most importantly plan it well and try to prevent my children crying when we are out (which is a MAJOR stressor for me and usually stuffs up my days/times out)
3) I will try and sleep as much as I can but if I cannot I'll just get up and take it easy - not too much pressure
4) IF I do stuff up...........this one I have trouble with

ANYWAY, I thought this would be a good idea for us to share why our less than perfect days went the way they went and then hopefully recognise things to change to make it easier next time.
Re: Today I overate because...
09 May 2014, 20:53
@debsie today i overate coz - just coz i could!
Any other addiction..booze, drugs, gamvbing..we can stay right away from them if we've formed an addiction.
Food..we have to have it every day,its there and sometimes we make bad choices at the supermarket and then at home,just coz we can, the food police dont jump out and arrest us! ..and also we eat for a variety of complex physiological processes /emotions /poor mindsets
Things can trigger bad eating you said, the children crying when you're out stresses you and we then look for something we think will lift us and take the bad feelings away...

Think youre right that planning is the key..if the day's food is ready and to hand,you're less likely to reach for something else
You've got yr plans for tomozz both for food and happenings...good luck ,sounds like you're getting well prepared..maybe decide in advance what you will do instead of eating if things go a bit belly up..can you plan in a bubble bath or something else enjoyable and relaxing that isnt food related..forewarned is forearmed! X
Re: Today I overate because...
09 May 2014, 21:30
Oh poor @debsie! I have had many a similar day. And then, the days that the kids were great and I felt like everything went to plan I sit on the couch and "reward" myself. So, same detrimental results regardless of my day. Next thing I know, I'm bursting out of my comfy trackie bottoms or my hubbys jeans (who is rather pot bellied).

I actually find it harder to stick to my TDEE on feed days, than to keep to the 500cals on fast days. I think I was about 6 weeks into this woe before I actually left fries on the plate, just because I was full. Well, I got as big as I did because of several bad habbits and emotional eating. I have to identify and then work on each trigger. Some are easier, like my second breakfast of 4 slices of toast I easily swap for something healthier. My "self reward/comfort with food" habbit I am finding harder to break. I can ignore it for a while, but the call for a reward/comfort is always there.
Re: Today I overate because...
09 May 2014, 23:34
Today I am overeating because I'm running a half marathon tomorrow.

Usually I overeating for emotional reasons though.
Re: Today I overate because...
09 May 2014, 23:44
Today I overate because it started as a fast and my son made ham and cream cheese bagels for lunch. I caved in straight away. My willpower is decidedly lacking at the moment.
Re: Today I overate because...
12 May 2014, 03:13
Great thread!

I am finding that being very tired, running my schedule without adequate rest breaks and trying to "soldier on" is very bad for my eating habits - when I'm tired & stressed it's even worse! I do confuse tiredness and hunger. I've got some melatonin to take to get me back into melbourne's time zone, let's hope it works!
Re: Today I overate because...
13 May 2014, 13:27
I eat so I don't have to deal with problems...I'll do it after I have had this. I need this to give me the strength to deal with..... I reward myself with..... Oh well, I ate that so I may as well have that too....... I haven't had that for won't hurt......and so it goes on! One day I will be able to control this.
Re: Today I overate because...
13 May 2014, 16:42
I hear you Bob@Bobshouse! X
Re: Today I overate because...
13 May 2014, 18:32
Bobshouse wrote: I eat so I don't have to deal with problems...I'll do it after I have had this. I need this to give me the strength to deal with..... I reward myself with..... Oh well, I ate that so I may as well have that too....... I haven't had that for won't hurt......and so it goes on! One day I will be able to control this.

ALL of this is familiar to me - especially "I'll do it after I have had this!" I just realised something; I used to think that when I was a smoker too.. But that's a while ago now..

Yesterday I overate because there was cream in the fridge and I just couldn't resist, then I had to eat it all so that it wouldn't be there to tempt me today!!!!!!!
Re: Today I overate because...
13 May 2014, 20:35
This weight loss lark is not easy!
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