The FastDay Forum

Delighted or Disappointed?

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Today has been *great*. I'm so happy.

My first fast day went well, but I felt hungry and irritable much of the day by mid afternoon. I had an egg and low carb piece of toast then and felt okay after supper - but went to bed early. I felt chilly and tired. I stuck within my 500 calories and had a short 20 minute walk during my lunch break at work. It was successful but difficult.

The second one, I didn't eat all day until supper time and had a too-carby supper and over-ate by 100 calories, maybe 150 cals, and was disappointed and frustrated with myself. BUT - not eating until supper time had left me less hungry/grumpy/irritable than the first one.

Today, I also didn't eat until supper. When I got hungry, I drank water and herbal tea. That kept me warm and I kept busy around the house. I even went to the gym and rode the elliptical machine for 45 minutes! I planned a very low-carb supper - pork chops, large salad of romaine and spinnach leaves, and 'faux tatoes' that I make half mashed potatoes/half pureed cauliflour blended with fat free evaporated milk and plain greek yogurt - one serving is 168 calories by My Fitness Pal.

We got to eat together as a family - my huge salad left me eating more food than everyone else, though the kids went back for seconds on the potatoes and pork chops - and my tummy is full and content. I wasn't even grumpy today. :D

It was a great day! I hope I can continue this level of success! Though I think part of my success was that I had a lot of 'carb reserves' from too much junk food at the in-law's home for dinner on the weekend. heh.

Anyway, I'm excited and happy. Just had to share. :)
It's so nice to have a good fast day!
Good for you :smile: I've found also that it's easier to abstain from food until late afternoon/evening. If I eat any earlier in the day I almost set off the hunger pangs and I find it really hard not to eat!

Glad you're finding a method that works for you :smile:
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