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First fast just about done
16 Apr 2013, 20:36

Just about through my first fast day. Split up my foods, had a snack and I'm almost home (though VERY hungry right now). Is it just me though, or did people fantasise about food the entire day (like I did)?!?!?

Oh and as my book hasn't arrived yet, is it better to have long periods of fast over the day, or, is it okay to have 3 'meals', as that is what I've done today.

Re: First fast just about done
16 Apr 2013, 20:42
It my second fast day today and I am feeling hungry too, I have a VERY small lunch and my dinner. I don't think it matters whether you spread out the cals or have them in one go - some people say its better to go longer actually fasting but here is no evidence re whether u lose more weight or not I think that's more relating to the health benefits.

I have been thinking about food ALL day and staring at people eating it, I could even smell a packet of quavers from quite a way away!

I am off to bed before I eat something! Looking forward to my bacon sarnie in the morning :-)
Re: First fast just about done
16 Apr 2013, 20:45
You should do what works for you. I have 3 meals, but there are loads of folk who save it all up for one meal, or even don't eat at all on fasting days. It gets a lot easier. Stay hydrated and busy!
Re: First fast just about done
17 Apr 2013, 10:26
Thanks for your replies.

Woke up this morning, not hungry and felt good, amazing I thought, however, since about 8.30 i have a headache, not too bad, but annoying, think I need to drink more tomorrow on my next fast day. Actually, all in all I have more energy today. Had the mid-morning munchies, so will eat more healthily for lunch, as I'll go over the theoretical value of 2000, though I'm not sure whether I stuck to it normally or not.... Roll on fast day no 2.
Re: First fast just about done
17 Apr 2013, 10:33
Well done on your first successful fast. Take something for the headache if you usually do, no point in suffering! As, you say, make sure you drink plenty, and keep up your electrolyte levels, so that you don't dehydrate. Be mindful of your caffeine intake, if you have more or less than you usually do, that could be causing a headache too.
I still fantasise about food and I'm well into the fasting routine!
We aren't sure if going for longer periods without food is better or not. Many people start with three small meals and end up just having one, after doing this WOE for a while. Just do what suits you and don't be afraid to change it if it feels right to.
Good luck and let us know how you get on
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