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Feel so happy I could burst!
01 May 2013, 05:31
I have switched to alternate day fasting as I was overindulging on my feast days - the weight is just falling off! I am hoping to rein in my appetite by doing this and then switch back to 4:3 and 5:2.
I have noticed a massive improvement in my mood - not sure whether it is due to feeling in control again and my weight loss - I feel so sunny and optimistic! Since I started fasting I can feel my body working more efficiently. I had a brief spell on antidepressants years ago, and how I feel now is similar - I wonder if fasting affects serotonin levels?
Has anyone felt happy too?!
Maddysee, so glad this is working for you. A lot of people struggle not to go overboard on non-fast days at first and the advice is generally to calorie count or give it time until 5:2 resets the appetite. ADF might be worth trying for those whose weight isn't shifting. Do you eat 500cals every other day or less? And do you calorie count on non fast days to stay within your tdee or has the reset appetite just made you eat less overall naturally?

Re mood. I've noticed this too. I really am much happier these days - more upbeat, positive and less critical of everything. I haven't taken anti depressants although probably should have as I had some low times in the last few years. I am certain that fasting is responsible for my new sunny outlook because I've been this weight before, but I've never felt this happy before!

The benefits of fasting really are worth bursting about!!
Hi Maddysee, to add to readhead's post, there has been discussion about this mood thing in this topic (started by me!) and also here.

It only seems to affect a minority - not me unfortunately. Serotonin or ketones have been suggested as possible causes, so you may be right about that. As long as it isn't part of an up/down mood swing then just count yourself lucky!
It has taken some time for this "lightness of being" feeling to arrive but I think I have it. I feel as though I can cope better with life's trials and tribulations but it could also be something to do with Spring has Sprung effect. We are finally getting sunshine here and my garden is beckoning..and that always puts a spring in my step. I do feel an actual physical lightness out of all proportion to my actual weight which is currently around 12stone plus, I feel thin, which in size 16 is patently untrue, but hey, mind over matter. I am going through a very turbulent personal crisis at the moment and this WOL is sustaining me in all sorts of ways, mentally especially. I am so grateful I decided to do 5.2. It is inspiring me to feel that there is a brighter future.
I am using My Fitness Pal to keep an eye on my calorie intake - have been on ADF for 10 days and my appetite is changing.
Thank you for your link Dominic - it an only be described as euphoria. I am curious about serotonin being absorbed from the gut - I have a hunch that the effect on the digestive tract is significant - but I am not a scientist!
Great to hear Dhana that you feel the same way too...this is so unlike any other "diet" I have done!
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