The FastDay Forum

Delighted or Disappointed?

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I've been feeling a bit down recently as lots of people have been commenting on my husband's weight loss and no-one on mine. Bit of the green-eyed jealousy going on here. Family have commented, but not friends and acquaintances.

Finally today, four months in, someone asked that all important question "Have you lost weight? You're looking good" :victory:

It felt so good to be able to say "Yes" and "Thankyou".
That sounds great! Weight loss becomes more "real" when you get the recognition from people around you - at least for me. I can look in the mirror and se a rather slim person as well as a rather fat one - depending on mood :-)
Yay! You must be thrilled well done, it must be really noticeable because most people don't mention it unless it is really really obvious in my experience. Enjoy! :lol:
That's wonderful!
Only 2 people have complimented me so far but it means a lot! Keeps me going :)
I'm feeling especially pleased because it was at the school gates by one of the other mums. On a bad day I do have the tendency to compare myself to all the slimmer ones and feel terrible. Is it just us women that put ourselves down doing that?
It comes natural to me to compliment people eg a new hairstyle, dress etc but find it is only my international friends who respond likewise . However, this week I am having my mid-length hair cut to a pixie style, so we shall see if that has an effect on my UK friends. You must feel great now people are noticing - a great incentive to continue too!
That is super! Wish it was me - I'm still waiting !:smile:
Woohoo - that's great and so lovely for you :like:

Navwoman, I am the same. Always quick to pay a compliment even to a total stranger, and on the other hand, if I'm shopping and a friend asks if something suits I am very honest - because I want them to look good! I find most women are quick to reassure you that no, you don't look awful in the mustard and lime striped dress. Also many are quick to trot out the old lines about 'don't lose too much weight' etc. but VERY slow to say "WOW - you are looking great!" :neutral:

I'm lucky that I have one or two friends who are like me :smile:
Awh. Well done!

Maybe people have noticed but don't want to say because of weight being a sensitive issue? (Although I would love to hear those words!)
Well, I had my hair cut and, as predicted in my earlier post, the only comments (all very positive) have come from my overseas friends! Now my husband makes sure that he holds my hand each time we go out and he introduces me as 'Wife number 2' the younger version of 'wife number 1'!! Yesterday I gave some Turkish Cypriot ladies this Forum website address as they are fascinated with how well I look after 5 weeks.
Hey, good for you! I have come to realise that I have to lose about 20 pounds (or more) before people take notice, so I don't stress about it. The fact that I know I've lost weight (and my husband commenting on my smaller butt) is enough for me. :)
well done! I love your username, by the way.
ahhhhh Navwoman, that's lovely, so sweet!
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