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Why, why, why?
23 May 2013, 10:26
Well, having done another fast, I have now put on another 2lb :curse: . I have now only lost 2lb altogether. I don't really understand why this is happening, granted the last two weeks I have only fasted one day each week, but I thought that was supposed to maintain :?:
Re: Why, why, why?
23 May 2013, 10:34
Hi Liz,

Looks to me like it's still early days for you - about 4-5 weeks? So, your body is still adjusting in terms of water & fat balance. Don't worry about the apparent increase on the scales this week, I'll bet you it's a temporary thing, you happen to be retaining more fluid for some reason (perchance might it be around 'that time of the month'?).

We're not sure yet quite what the best method is for maintenance, for some 6:1 doesn't seem to do the job, and they have to throw in a 5:2 week here and there. Some folks prefer a feeding window, or 24 hour fasts leading up to a normal sized dinner on a fast day (instead of just 500 cals).

Sorry to hear you're frustrated but I'm sure that in the longer term the numbers will go down :) Keep at it!
Re: Why, why, why?
23 May 2013, 10:54
Thanks for the reply :smile: . Unfortunately, that time of the month was my excuse for putting on 2lb last week, I should be lighter this week :dazed: . But perhaps, as you say, it's the water fat balance thingy (though I'm not quite sure how that works). Anyway, I shall persist for a few more weeks at 5:2 at any rate. It's just so frustrating, I had got to the point where people were just beginning to notice and now I feel like I'm back at the start in terms of how I feel/look. :curse:

I've just had a thought, I was ill last week and consequently had to eat some rather sugary stuff, and got given a whole load of sweets yesterday (which I haven't finished), so it's possible the sugar is making me retain water. Perhaps I'd better give some sweets away...
Re: Why, why, why?
23 May 2013, 11:02
Don't give up! It can be hard going when you feel rubbish...would say about the sweet thing to think moderation :). I don't calorie count on my non fast days but I do try to stick to the theories of healthy eating, one chocolate bar or one glass of wine as my post dinner treat! Hope this helps x
Re: Why, why, why?
23 May 2013, 11:15
Liz, if you were poorly last week that's going to have some kind of impact on your body. I know when I was poorly for a couple of weeks I didn't shift anything at all, despite fasting.
Re: Why, why, why?
23 May 2013, 12:23
Sugar (particularly sugary sweets) is my Achilles heel when it comes to losing weight, it just adds so many calories without making me full at all, and I just want to eat more and more. So I am going to post some of my sweets off to some people, and reduce the damage! Must remember in future to treat myself with cake/chocolate/savoury things in future, as I'm able to control how much of them I eat...
Re: Why, why, why?
23 May 2013, 12:43
I calorie counted for the first four weeks just to get a better idea of the number of calories I was eating and then stopped.Unfortunately sweet foods are full of calories and I found I was eating too much in proportion to healthy foods so I have revised my eating habits accordingly. I have only lost 2lb too!
Re: Why, why, why?
24 May 2013, 01:32
This is clearly the day for bad news, just found out that I didn't get funding for my university course :cry: Urgh, I so don't want to get up and fast tomorrow :frown: . Moan, moan, grumble, grumble :starving: . I will attempt to wake up in a better mood tomorrow... :confused:
Re: Why, why, why?
26 May 2013, 14:02
Just thought anyone checking on this might like to know that I lost 2lb this week, in spite of still eating bad stuff :victory: . Conclusion: it is the second fast of the week that makes me lose weight, the first one seems to have no effect. I'm not sure what this will mean when maintaining, but I will worry about that when I get there. In 62 weeks, according to my progress tracker home... :bugeyes:
Re: Why, why, why?
26 May 2013, 14:28
If your fasts are one day apart, then you'll probably see the results on the second day after the second fast.
It seems that the scales show a lost not on the day after a fast but on the next one, so imagine the difference after two fasts with one or two days in between!
Re: Why, why, why?
26 May 2013, 14:58
If you are a sweetie lover have you tried Ricola sugar free sweets or the sugar free Werthers?
Re: Why, why, why?
26 May 2013, 15:14
I fast on Tuesdays and Fridays, and weigh myself on Thursday and Sunday mornings. But I guess maybe it takes longer to have an effect? I think my best bet is to give up sweets altogether, I think even sugar free ones would just make me want to eat more, I'm just bad that way!
Re: Why, why, why?
26 May 2013, 15:33
Sweeteners do tend to make us want more sugar, I avoid them like the plague on fast days but I do eat something sweet on any other day. Not much though... A scoop of ice cream, a soda, a couple of pieces of chocolate (and not all of them at the same time, LOL).
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