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Finally broke through Plateau !
07 Jun 2013, 12:35
Last month gained and lost the same 1/2 pound and feeling discouraged but charging on with dedication. Today, finally lost 1.5 more !! So excited :lol: Absolutely thought I could never be one of those people who skips breakfast but it was far easier than anybody could have told me. Also, did 16:8 on my feasting days and found out how easy that was. Hang in there everybody ! This WOE really works. I have now lost 13 pounds in 13 weeks which is 1 lb per week average and that is exactly how it is supposed to work. Also walked 3 miles three times last week so I think the combination of 16:8 and walking did it for me. Thanks everybody for your support :smile:
So glad to here that is possible to get through a plateau.......thank you for posting. I've been stuck for about 6 weeks - very frustrating.
Result!!!! Fantastic :like: :smile:
Me too Wildmissus, stuck for about 3 weeks. I was gaining and losing the same 2lb. Been trying 5:2 + 16:8 on eating days this past week. Broke through the plateau today and lost those 2lb and another one. Just hope they stay off now!! I've been following your liquid only fasts posts, I couldn't do that. Well done and keep going.
Thank you Wendy....I've been following your posts. Might start ditching breakfasts on feast days as I know I still eat breakfasts purely out of habit.
good result Dsmith30

and Wildmissus - i feel your pain, have been stuck with the same couple of pounds on and off for the last 7 weeks - sprained ankle is not helping

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