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Been a bad girl!
11 Feb 2013, 23:59
Oh Dear! As predicted I knew I would I put on weight over weekend :( .
Went away with a group of friends for a 50 birthday celebration and drank lots of fizz, ate lots of food including sweeties and cakes (yum yum), so the 7 pounds I lost before I went has now gone down to 4! Feel bad after having done so well, but it was a inevitable really, think I was just enjoying having fun and not thinking about what I was eating. So it does show you, you really cant go mad on feast days and get away with it, yes a little bit some of the time you can, but not a lot for three days, you cant. So back on board now, just completed first fast day of week and feel better, hopefully I will lose those wretched pounds again. Trouble is we are going away at half term for another short break, will have to be extra good before and after, suppose that is the beauty of this eating lifestyle.
Re: Been a bad girl!
14 Feb 2013, 23:01
...and there's always the rest of your life
Re: Been a bad girl!
14 Feb 2013, 23:24
You're still four pounds better off than at the start of your new WOE and you'll find that three pounds will just disappear sooo quickly!
Re: Been a bad girl!
15 Feb 2013, 07:27
That sort of weight gain happens to EVERYONE! That's what feasting is. In the wild , you could then have lain around under the trees for a couple of days, celebrating the fact that you were feeling nice and plumply full, comparing round bellies with other feasters and exclaiming that life is so much better when you don't have to tramp around tracking mammoth!

Once you, me and all of us have done few months or a year on this WOL, we will all be able to look back at our charts and remember those Feast days because of the rounded belly of a graph line, but still look at the healthy trend generally downwards, and the new spring in our steps.

Off now to find an unsuspecting gazelle...
Re: Been a bad girl!
15 Feb 2013, 15:55
I bet a lot of it is water retention from higher sodium foods. Think about it, isn't 1 lb equal to something like 3000 calories? So that would mean you would have needed to eat 9,000 calories on top of your maintenance calories (approx 2000) to gain 3lbs of fat.

I bet that weight shifts in no time :)
Re: Been a bad girl!
15 Feb 2013, 16:33
This is why you shouldn't be weighing yourself all the time. Your weight is bound to fluctuate, it's only natural! Once a week, at the same and under the same conditions is the way to go I think.

I weigh myself on a Saturday morning after getting up and going to the loo but before eating or drinking. I've lost weight each week despite some similar binges to those you describe.
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