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Fitbitters - End of Year review
31 Dec 2016, 12:43
Good morning!

So, how did everyone end the year with their steps? My goal for 2016 was to reach 3 million steps. I just need to get 82,000 steps today and I'll have made it! :razz:

I didn't quite make it, but I'm ok with that. I do know that there were times that I either forgot to wear my fitbit or the battery died and didn't get all my steps etc. I still might have been a little short.

I'm planning to work harder at it in 2017 and crush those 3 million steps!
Dear @cblasz

Congratulations! I think 2,918,000 is very close to 3 million, and you should be very proud of your achievement. And given you sometimes weren't wearing the Fitbit, chances are you reached your goal anyway.

Very best wishes for an active New Year! :clover: :smile:

Btw, are you still doing c25k?
Hi Sassy! Thank you!! I am happy that I got close, but next year I really want to see that number!

I've done C25K a few times now and still suck at running. But, there's a 5K that I like to do at the end of April, so I'll probably give it another go!!
Hi @cblasz
Congratulations on so nearly reaching your target for the year. How can you see how many steps you've done? I'd love to know my total.
Edit - I just checked the Help section on the Fitbit website and found my annual total at 4,560,926 steps, and I'm very pleased with that :grin:
Sian - I would be very pleased with that too. That's very impressive! I'm going to have to "step" up my game for this year!! :lol:
Wow! I hadn't thought to look at it that way! Congratulations on your feat, or should I say your feet?

I just went to look and see how I did -- I had no idea I did this well, but I did:

3,273,263 steps 4526 floors 1,436.06 miles 849,771 calories

I guess that goes hand in hand with the 21 pounds lost for the year :-)
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