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Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
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Hello fasters! I'm fasting today instead of yesterday. It's Friday here. I have been scouring through magazines trying to find inspiring meals within the guidelines which I can eat today. Settled on cauliflower soup as I just picked a huge cauli yesterday. It's only black coffee time now, but I like to have a plan.
Hi Fellow Friday faster!

I'm just visiting mum here in Australia so am on the same time frame. Feeling a little hungry today so need to make a coffee! Have my dinner sorted too as made a very low fat stir fry last night so lots of veg in and was yummy so looking forward to that.
We can do it!
I'm in today. Though its not yet 5am in London & I'll be working at home later on so no commute and I've just had my 100 'getting back to sleep' calories in the hope of not beginning the fasting bit of the day until I've had another 3.5 hours sleep!

Good luck all - see you later!
Also fasting now. Funnily enough I always look forward to it. (I have truly overdone it with snacks this past few days.) Cleansing and uncomplicated with no choice till tonight. Have a good day everyone.
I'm in .. and I need it after yesterdays dietary fiasco :-(
Fiasco = half a bag of peanuts and half a tub of yogurt but it sent me sailing right over TDEE ...

I don't know what is up with me at the moment . .. I had been doing well all week and then yesterday I had a really bad day at work and then when I got home the cat brought me a dead robin which for some reason upsets me more than anything else she brings me and tipped me over the edge , so now I am going to have to spend all weekend trying to make up for it if I dont want the scales going up for the second week running :bigfrown:
Sorry to hear about the robin and your food blip @redrobin - I can relate to you reaching for food when the emotions get the better of you. Tomorrow is another day though, so move forward with a clean slate..

I'm joining you all today - was a bit naughty I need to atone.......

Feeling pretty hungry right now, but luckily, I know it's nothing to fear and will disappear soon anyway!

Have a great day everyone x
I've made it to the end of the day, and I think I scraped in under 500. Mostly didn't eat until cauli soup time. But I didn't feel that I had a really productive day, mostly sat about waiting until dinner time. I have been in a weird place, caring for the OH and making him my whole focus. He is getting better now and can even make me a cup of tea but i'm out of the habit of getting on with my own life. Also our house is in a state of chaos because we are having renovations done. Tomorrow and Sunday we have to completely move out of our bedroom. It is like i am waiting for life to get back to normal. @Katharina, I did pass time waiting for dinner, playing the piano. I think that Beethoven sonata is too hard for me, but I am persisting, bar by bar.
Its a fast day for me too.
I woke up at stupid o clock (around 4.30)! this morning and decided to get up even though I still felt extremely tired. At that point I talked myself out of having a fast day as I thought I would need food to combat the tiredness.
After several coffees, I then had 2 seeded crispbreads, still thinking that a fast day was out of the question, but actually after eating them and several more coffees, I have decided to plough on and complete the fast day.
That's what is so great about this plan, you can swap and change as the mood takes you.
I love fasting on Fridays, it means my slightly over indulgent weekend eating/drinking only lasts for 2 days instead of 3!!
Well done @Charlie10 you did it! I love your saying 'stupid o clock' I'm going to steal it. My stupid o'clock is 5.15 around 3 days in a row this week. I was so happy this morning as I woke at 7.
I fasted yesterday ( Thursday) but didn't post which is unusual for me. An emotional day at work as a parent harmed her child and police and docs were involved .very delicate and troubling.
@SallyO I can understand how your feeling- you just want life to get back to normal. Maybe concentrate on things that make you happy like cooking. My prayers are with you and your hubbie for a complete recovery. Are you taking time away from teaching to care for your husband?
Xxx julianna
YEs, julieanna, I've actually formally retired but I do intend to get back to teaching Japanese in the capacity of a relief teacher - that's how they'll pay me. But OH has been too sick so I've been a full time carer. It's all a bit weird. A Clayton's retirement, which is, so far, an actual retirement. I finally got my superannuation settlement sorted out. I am going on a superannuation pension and got my back pay this week. Just in time to buy myself an 'Artisan Cheese Making Kit' while I was in Launceston attending medical appointments last week. I made my first 'quark' last night. About to drain in in cheese cloth over a colander. So exciting. Also got some lovely new slippers to help me with the Wild Winter Challenge - who needs comfort food when you have comfort slippers? They are lined in lamb's wool and they are red. Superb!
The slippers sound cosy and warm @SallyO. I love how you buy the kit and you've already made cheese. I decide to maybe make something then research it then don't do it. I want to make kambucha in the school holidays so I'll probably be asking you questions then. I've also bought a big above ground planter to grow veges. Hubbie put all the bits and pieces from the garage in summer when he was insulating the garage walls and its still sitting there full of stuff. I told he I'll need it emptied by the end of July so I can plant some things.
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