The FastDay Forum

Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
Please don't make extra threads in here besides the daily fasting threads, if you've got a question please post it in the relevant forum or ask in today's 'Fasting Today' thread, thank you.

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I am aiming to do a Monday fast today. Anyone who has read my blog will know that my usual Saturday fast didn't even get started. I so didn't feel like it, so didn't. And then I followed this with a weekend of overeating...

As I also said in my blog, I am not beating myself up over this, but did wake up this morning feeling like I could fast. So am giving it a go.

Are there any regular - or other - Monday fasters around? (Most of you are probably either asleep or it is still Sunday in your part of the world.)

NB The forum has been very quiet over the weekend...
I am fasting today, After a week end of full eating. But the dear friends we went to visit know that I am low carbing, and they provided me with alternatives to potatoes etc. The result is that I have only gone up a 0.5 kg. :smile:
I'm fasting today after returning home from 2 weeks in the sun with a few more pounds than I left with!
I'm fasting today but attempting to make egg-less almond paste, with not much success. However, it is now on the cake and will be ready to ice tomorrow. It did mean quite a lot of 'tastes', so I've probably had my 500 calories already!
Good luck to everyone fasting today. Onward & downward! :victory:
I'm here as usual on a Monday. I did my 2 fasts back to back last week after a long weekend in Amsterdam and the damage didn't seem too bad on Libra but this mornings weigh in ! Onwards..........
I haven't fasted for a long time but the thought of losing this forum has been a huge incentive to get back on track. It was very tough this morning but I battled on and it was fine after a few hours. I've only had dinner which works best for me.

The plan is for my second fast on Wednesday. Hopefully I will get back into the routine as it worked so well for me in 2013.
Lovely to see a few of you fasting "today" and some getting back into the swing of it.

My fast went okay; I now do more a BSD fast day (i.e. around 800 cals) but that is fine for me - my aim with fast days is to eat as late as I can manage, but then have sufficient so I don't feel hungry at bedtime. I did have a hard boiled egg mid afternoon as I was feeling hungry all afternoon, but then managed to keep myself preoccupied until dinner (steak and roast/steamed veg followed by frozen orange and some cottage cheese). Did not eat any more after that, so pleased with myself (not eating in the evening is a continual challenge for me, even on fast days).

Hope everyone's day went okay too! :smile:
Yep, I'm in for my usual Monday light day, and it's SO good to see a few postings on the Fasting Today thread! Hope y'all had a good light day, as you are probably all in bed; anyone still awake out there also fasting today?

I did mention on earlier posts I was going to make some adjustments to my light days and see how it went. I have, and it's helped. I have been having my broth ~an hour earlier, a snack 4pmish (ideal is hardboiled egg), a small meal 8ish, a "reward" 11pmish (I'm a night owl and MUST eat before bed or I won't sleep), which usually is a carton of Siggi's vanilla yogurt, fruit, and 2-3 small squares of dark chocolate melted. I find that I appreciate the melted chocolate much longer/more than popping them in my mouth. Also intensifies the flavor, which is great! It's like a light day chocolate sundae!
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