The FastDay Forum

Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
Please don't make extra threads in here besides the daily fasting threads, if you've got a question please post it in the relevant forum or ask in today's 'Fasting Today' thread, thank you.

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Hello Fasters! I am fasting today. I only did one fast last week but now I have had enough of feasting and I am ready to fast again. Chicken soup for dinner. I am doing a lot of lying around reading: fabulous book: The Island at the Centre of the World by Russell Short, the untold story of the founding of New York. I am pretending that I am at a beach house and don't have to do anything for a week. Only read, simple meals, tapestry. Perhaps I'll make it to the actual beach and have a few actual walks. Nothing too strenuous. I need a holiday but can't leave home on account of OH's health. Hope you all had a good feast on the 25th and some of you will join me today.
I'm in today.... with great big huge bells on!! I've really indulged myself over the last few days, so I need to get some discipline back!
Just us @chichi13 My day went well. Nearly finished the book.
I'm fasting today here in the US. I echo the sentjments, happy to be fasting after a week of indulgence. Cheers!
I'm in too. Had enough of stuffing myself for the last few days!
I'm here too, just making my green tea. Usually have my first "pangs" 11ish, so have learned to drink my pot of tea to distract me...did anyone else fast on Christmas Eve? I felt very lonely, think it was the first time I've started the Fasting Today thread...
Well done on starting the thread @ferretgal. It must have felt weird. But I'm sure there would have been others who fasted but were too Christmas-busy to log in. Personally I need to log in here when I fast. It keeps me accountable and I have the feeling of being supported by others in the world. Much more lonely to do it without logging in here. My day is done and I am enjoying a non fast day now. I often wake up with a head ache now after fasting. Does anyone else? It goes away after I've eaten breakfast.
all done, kitchen closed and off to bed
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