The FastDay Forum

Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
Please don't make extra threads in here besides the daily fasting threads, if you've got a question please post it in the relevant forum or ask in today's 'Fasting Today' thread, thank you.

22 posts Page 2 of 2
I'm in today for the first fast of the week- after a weekend spent baking, and then selling, cakes at the village Open Gardens day. A number of different types of cake were trialled for the purpose of customer service, so today's fast is very much required!
I have been to Pilates this morning, then food shopping and am now heading into the garden to destroy weeds and plant some plants which I bought yesterday. The only problem is that I don't really enjoy very hot weather - prefer just warm - so I need to be in the shade! At least I'm not tempted to eat when gardening!
@Wildmissus- sorry to hear about your back. :heart: I did something similar hauling a trolley loaded with gravel, slate, compost and shopping from the car to the kitchen door. Pilates seems to have helped though, so all is good. Welcome to our newbies, you both seem to be doing really well! :victory:
Good luck to all fasting today. Onwards and downwards! :smile:
I am in today, egg and ham salad for dinner later and two cups of coffee so far.
Must be something in the air as I think I sat funny yesterday and my lower back aches if I sit still too long.
Hi @Wildmissus sorry to hear your back news, my back pinged 2 years ago due my dodgy knee. I found a chiropractor who helped me understand what was happening and what exercises and way of being I needed to adopt.
I also found fast day site and losing the weight too has been key for me.
It's horrid to be in such pain, we think sitting is good but I'm now providing colleagues standing desks at work, within 6 years we will all be standing at work? How about at home - shall we eat while standing? xx
2010 in the UK, time to eat my 350 fast day cals.
Soophie wrote: Hi happy fasters !!

I'm in today !!
This is my fifth week of fasting, I love it ! So far so good ;)
I tried this week to eat a chocolate cupcake.....I couldn't, I felt sick, that's weird !
Enjoy your day, see you later for a little update.

Hi Soophie, one of the many wonders of fasting, it changes your tastes and taste buds. Makes your none fast days kess calorific and gets rid of those nasty cravings lol.
I'm always here at the 12th hour it seems! Lol

I fasted today, I was hungry ( still getting rid of all the holiday cravings me thinks) muddled through on water and black coffee until 7.30 though... Phew!

Sorry to hear about all your back troubles. I'll offer a bit of advice to those of you newer to back troubles. I've been living with them since I was 17! I've had 2 surgeries plus after an accident years ago I ended up with a severed nerve. Anyhow.... These are the musts, even if you just get them intermittently.

Take ibuprofen (and paracetamol) if you can tolorate it right away and for 3/5 days as pain easies. Pain management is the one thing people ignore but it's this that will reduce both pain and swelling getting you tip top much quicker. If you take pain killers you will be more able to keep moving.

Ice it! 20 mins of ice on the effected area several times a day.

Do not rest in bed/couch unless you can't get up and frankly once it's that sever get a house call from your doc, you'll need some muscle relaxant

Do move around, carefully but without stiffening up against the pain. Keep getting up and moving around the house. Don't over stretch or bend for a few days. Sitting on a good chair with arms on to help you in and out will work really well. If sitting helps, sit. If standing helps, stand etc.

Sleep with pillows between your legs and take pain killers to get through the night.

I could hardly walk through back pain when I started fasting. 2 stone down and my back pain had improved tenfold. After 3 stone my arthritic knee and hip although still not great certainly are better than they were.

Good luck and hope you all feel better soon.
I'm in. I blew it this weekend. Had a wedding on Saturday so went crazy with the calories there. And yesterday I was hungry all day and made poor food choices. So far, so good with today's fast. Will eat a small dinner then not eat until after my workout tomorrow.
The occasional food blow-out never hurt anyone, @SammyIAm, as long as you enjoyed it without guilt! :grin: I hope that your fast day concluded successfully! :clover:
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