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Fasting today?

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Halloween is not celebrated in Australia the same way as in other countries but in our street the neighbours get together and the children get dressed up and knock on a few doors. I've been fasting since 8pm last night but it will only be 23-24 hours for me as we do tend to have a few drinks and some snacks together.

During my first year of 5;2 I think Halloween was on a Thursday, my second fasting day of the week, and I recall not having ANY treats and taking the kids to quite a few streets while the other adults stayed behind and ate and drank... I was much more committed to 5:2 than I am now but I think I have settled on a number on the scales that doesn't take too much effort to maintain (even though I'd like to be a bit less).

Anyone else having similar issues?
Count me in.

Settling on a maintainable number on a scale is a wise thing to do especially when health markers also show normal. Perfection can be had, but is it worth it?

Halloween around my house is increasingly more involved than decorating for Christmas ever was. A rusty hinged old-west style casket constructed from grey and rotten fence wood, shipping crates covered with spider webs and bones, artificial fog, creepy sounds, several full sized department store dummies converted to zombies, a trio of anatomically modified garden gnomes eating a pink flamingo, a couple of disturbingly exposed Borg-like Tickle Me Elmo dolls operating on Dora the Explorer's entrails, an Enderman, and a smoking caldron stirred by a life size skeleton are my son and wife's standard setup. The neighbor kids get excited when they see that the pallets have been moved to the front yard. Two to three days to set up, with everything disappearing Halloween evening after the treater parade dries up. No evidence that it even happened the next morning. (Of course re-arranging the garage to put the cars back in takes much longer.)
Hi @wmr309

I think you already know that my "issues" are similar - I am less committed to keeping cals low on fast days, and have settled for a weight that is a bit higher than my original goal.

Not that I know what my weight is. As you are probably also aware, I no longer weigh myself. However, I think my BMI Is 22.something, also similar to you, and that is just fine by me. We (everyone) need to stop worrying about the numbers and concentrate more on eating nutritiously according to our hunger. If we do that (most of the time!) then our weight will be what is right for us. And be sustainable.

When I was losing weight I also was very careful on fast days - I found that if I wasn't then the weight did not come off anywhere near as easily. But it has been almost 3 years since reaching goal, and in that time I have read a lot about weight management and food consumption and refined my thoughts considerably. As you also have probably read!

Enjoy the drinks and snacks with your neighbours!
Happy All Hallows' Eve! Happy Samhain! Happy Monday Fast!
Trying for 23 hours of virtuous fasting today, helped by a dental visit soon, a filling, so no eating allowed anyway :0)
My weight at its usual autumnal high of 78.8kgs today but I just want some autophagy really.
Have a good one folks :like: :smile:
Hi everyone. I'm fasting today which may be a bit more difficult than usual as I'm on holiday this week. We will be mostly just at home but still it's nice when I don't have to get up early!
I'm in today, not doing anything special for Halloween, so fasting is fine. Though I'm a bit stressed; my 17 year old kitty may have had a seizure and is going to the vet tomorrow morning. But I've realized over the years of fasting that eating isn't a solution to stress, so better to just get the light day out of the way.

Is @Manderleyaround? I went to the Bowie record show, I dressed up as Jareth, the Goblin King. It was fun, but a rather long night. We don't know yet if we made the record or not.
Dear @ferretgal, sorry to hear about your kitty. A difficult time for you. Hope s/he is okay. Those of us with pets know what you are going through. Best wishes. :clover:
Thanks, @Sassy1!
@ferretgal Sorry it took so long to answer, my notifications don't seem to work on time since I came back.
That's so great that you had so much fun on the Bowie record show ! I went to London and to Brixton especially last month, to go through the places he was familiar with and to see an exhibit. It was such a great time. I also made friends with other Bowie fanatics and we keep each other in touch with what's happening. Did you listen to the 3 last songs he recorded ?
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