The FastDay Forum

Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
Please don't make extra threads in here besides the daily fasting threads, if you've got a question please post it in the relevant forum or ask in today's 'Fasting Today' thread, thank you.

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This is my last fast for 2013. Is anyone joining me?

Finished up work for the year yesterday with a lovely lunch out.

Packing a preparing for the trip down the south coast tomorrow where family will gather for a week of sun, surf and good food. The running around today should keep my mind off food. A curry for dinner tonight.

Good luck fellow fastera!
Attempting to. In the office at 6am and a long day ahed, so will see how I go!
I'm in. I skipped yesterday because of a cheese party. I'm in maintenance now, but I'm still doing regular fasting in the lead up to Xmas because I'll have a week off while visiting family. After today, I might try to squeeze one more in on the flight...
I'm in too, I hope! (I'm assuming you're in Aus, @otter, due to the christmas plans?)

Despite struggling with my mood yesterday & today - to fill you in, I had a dance performance on Thursday night, which went reasonably well, but not as well as I'd like - actually abandoned fasting on Wednesday due to needing food to attempt to settle my nervousness about my performance - did it help? I hear you ask - hmmm, not really I guess, but I couldn't resist stuffing my face. And yesterday just fell in a hole, due to a big internal critic attack - anyone else recognise that? it goes - why are you bothering, you're not good enough compared to other people - all that kind of familiar rubbish. Not good for my self-care! Trying to hold it at bay, I really don't want it(that nasty voice!) to get mixed up in my attitude to food & fasting, that way eating disorders lie. So I'm trying to be kind to myself by fasting today, and listening to and trying to parent my miserable internal voices, rather than just reacting to them, or eating about them. Writing about them helps too, a bit of a slap in the face to the shame-maker. Particularly tricky around this time of year, to be miserable when everyone's supposed to be happy.

Sorry to potentially spread the misery by talking about it! And I know these days it doesn't last too long! So if you've got this far, thanks so much for reading my stream-of-consciousness, hoping for a better day today for me and for everyone!
Hey @jules7 I hear you - I think the kindest thing you can do for yourself today is to fast along with me and Debs and Maryann.

It can be so difficult to stay in the moment and not look back and beat ourselves up for what's happened, or look forward and not see what we deserve. But, it's in this moment that you're doing the best you can for you today - at least that's what I'm trying to focus on as I madly pack and try to ignore the 2 doz freshly baked mince pies I bought at the bakery this morning! They are for another moment in time - not this one ! :smile:

I feel strange packing up my Christmas tree and decorations today - but I will not be back home until the new year, and I find it a bit of a downer to get home from holidays and have to pack up Christmas well after it's finished.

It can be such a difficult time of year, jules7 - you're right there - such an expectation Of being happy, but it can also be a very tough time in many ways. Yes, I am an Aussie, so sun surf seafood and mango daiquiri Christmas all the way for me.

Hang in there fellow fasters and safe travels to you @maryann
thank you so much @otter, for your supportive thoughts, I love this forum, I do feel like we're all in it together! I'm feeling a little better after a long phone conversation with my best friend about the nature of the creative process - and she said the same as you - be in the present! Hope you have a great trip away & a great christmas! And I might have a bit of mango (minus the daquiri!) later on to break my fast - hmmmmm mango season! it comes every year!!
tried fasting yesterday, and the day before, but life and big son, and alcohol got in the wait. Will try really hard to do a good job today. Weather here is horrendous, so I`ll to get out to shops early for groceries of not so fattening variety - lots of fresh freit and veg, + chicken and seafood, so I can make my low-cal Paella. Didn`t help that I spent a couple of hours last night making truffles, ie turning chocolate into something even worse by adding butter and fresh cream. Still got loads of dark chocolate left, will wrap it up and give it away.I obviously ate 1/2 truffle, and it tasted good, while looking distinctly home made. + I ate a lot of left over chocolate. Fortunaletly Big Son was there to help me.
Same here, one day at a time and never ever listen to the nasty inner voices, they are the worst :grin:

I am in for the third time this week and will have the usual soup as a solid meal has terrible consequences, I am terribly hungry after that and the evening is kind of ruined. Plus I have plenty of things to do today, like cleaning the house, so it will be a breeze

Happy fasting everyone :clover: :wink:
It's going smoothly so far, except for the cold. I had to take a shower to warm me up a bit. On the other hand, I had half of the lovely soup I am supposed to have today, peas, green beans and carrots. Tonight I will have the rest of it and some hot cocoa :heart:

As I won't be able to go cycling regularly these next few days, I decided to have another go at the 30 day shred beginning tomorrow morning. It will be at least 30 minutes exercises everyday which is better than nothing :wink:
I have been fasting today in a vain attempt to reach my Christmas target and will do so again on very close to it. Read a few pages of Michael's book again to keep me on track today as I have been away from the internet and you lovely people. Happy fasting folks.
Hi anyone still reading this strand!
I more or less managed to fast on Saturday as planned, apart from the one shortbread biscuit I ate which wouldn't fit in the container with all the others...
It is now 6.30am on Sunday morning and we are in the car, one hour's drive into our 10 hour trip today... It's overcast, but supposed to get quite warm. (We managed an early start thanks to our noisy neighbors who started partying with loud music outside our bedroom window at 3am!!! :( )
Not sure when I will next get to fast - I read Moogie's tips for getting through the festive season so have those in mind too.
Trust everyone's fast day went ok, that the hoped for kgs dropped off, and that other plans eventuated :) and jools7, hope you feel better today :)
Best wishes to all for Christmas and the New Year! Xxx
Well done Sassy!
I blew it, and am finding it really hard up here adjusting to such long days and the heat. Will try and be kind to myself and start again in the new year.
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