The FastDay Forum

Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
Please don't make extra threads in here besides the daily fasting threads, if you've got a question please post it in the relevant forum or ask in today's 'Fasting Today' thread, thank you.

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Hi everyone! (is there anyone out there?!!)

I am fasting again today. My second fast of the week. My Tuesday fast was a success. Yes, I did go over 500 cals a bit (approx 550) but I'm not so worried about being strict anymore. I just enjoy waking up after a fast - feeling flat(er) :wink:

Today I've got a meat-free cottage pie courtesy of M&S and then, later, I shall partake of my favourite food at the moment - Mornflake Oatbran! It helps keep me full and satisfied so that I won't reach for the choccies. I'm saving that delight for Christmas!

So? Is anyone joining me in a fast today or am I all on my lonesome?

Have a great day!

Bean :heart:
I am still doing my Advent fasting, so you are not on your own, Bean. After my cold episode I am getting back to the weight I was before it began. It means that I still have not gotten below 60 kg - for so many days... :neutral: I only have 8 more days left, so I do hope I'll get to the lower side of 60 yet! :smile:
Oh lovely to see you @Margotsylvia! I felt so lonely there for a while! :cry:
It sounds as though you know what you are doing - well done!! What's on today's fasting menu then?

Bean :heart:
Hey you guys!@nursebean @margotsylviaHope the fast is going well xx
Its going very well thanks Candy @Candicemarie!! I'm just waiting for a little bit longer and then I can prepare my wonderful Mornflake - with raspberries - ooh I can't wait! I've already had some sprouts, a little broccoli and a delicious vegetarian cottage pie. It was an M&S one and truly scrumptious!!

As for tomorrow? Well that's a different story!! ;-)

Bean :wink:
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