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Fasting today?

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Fasting today, Thursday 2 June
02 Jun 2016, 01:06
Hi Thursday fasters, I'm here for my second fast of the week. One cup of tea with a splash of soy milk this morning then just water and herbal teas until this evening when I will have a cauliflower, potato, chickpea and spinach curry with a dollop of coconut milk yoghurt. I am going back to being mostly vegan for a few weeks as I undertook a vegan challenge earlier in the year which I really enjoyed and it seemed to push my weight in the right direction, as well as significantly improving my menopause symptoms. I am generally vegetarian so taking the step to being a vegan is not too hard for me.
Good luck Thursday fasters - please check in and let us know what you are up to. :clover: :clover: :clover:
Yes I'm in, got a busy day so should make it easier.
Good to see you two in today! I'll be joining you, although I'm not feeling good today so I may have to eat later - we'll see :wink:
Good luck everyone
Bean xx
Hope everyone had a good day,I chose Wednesday as my second fast instead of today Thursday. Was doing really well food wise,trying to eat well on my non fast days,but ended up having some hot jam donuts,yum!
I made pumpkin soup for dinner which is ok but had to much nice bread with it,makes me mad as I have avoided carbs all week
Ok vent over
Hey, @Newgirl, don't stress about it! Yeah, some here limit carbs all the time; more power to 'em, I suppose. But for me, the whole point of 5.2 vs any other "diet" is that I can eat what I want on normal days. Without that, I'm sure I'd be gone by now. I passed my second fastiversary in April; today is my 213th fast (light) day since starting. Just the idea of not having something FOREVER puts my back up and makes me resist.

What works for me is, on light days, I see something yummy that isn't "light day friendly" and say to myself, "I can have it tomorrow!" .... IF I still want it tomorrow. I make sure not to lie to myself; but I also don't eat it the next day "just because"; I always check to see if I really do still want it, or if my desire of the day before was fleeting/or sourced from hunger.

And sometimes--I'm sure others here can relate--I find I have to have SOMETHING semi-naughty to keep from blowing it completely. I'll say, a favorite of mine for those instances is a small square or two of dark chocolate, melted; fresh strawberries to dip in it... A variation is a couple of tablespoons of very thick yogurt (I like Siggi's, an Icelandic style Skyr; even the sweetened flavors are quite low in sugar, and it's very rich, even the nonfat ones), with the melted chocolate drizzled over and add some fruit (berries, usually). YUM!!! It's like a hot fudge sundae... And at the end of a long light day, it can be just the thing to keep me from going off the rails at the last moment...
Had agood fast day but overate terribly yesterday!
Hope it went well Fellow fasters xx
@ferretgal youre right..a bit of damage limitation is far better than blowing it completely! X
Fasting day 2. Very hungry pretty much all day. Had kale and kidney beans at lunch. Cauliflower and stuffed pepper for dinner. Bouillon in between. It really seemed to make it hard for me to think. I have never been a meal skipper no feel good though in that the bloat is down. Probably not down to 500 calories yet but will keep up the effort.
Thanks ferret gal,I can avoid carbs for a while but sometimes I just need them. I ate nothing today as punishment but went out with hubby and had a Greek dinner and red wine of course.
Hang in there Ritaroo,you need to give it a longer go of it,it takes time to get used to
I fasted on Thursday (yesterday) but was so busy that I didn't make it to the forum. The day went well but after nearly three and a half years of this WOL I shouldn't really expect anything different.

Well done to our newbies (and everyone else!) for making it through another fast day and, if you didn't, there's always tomorrow!
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