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Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
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I'm fasting, is anybody joining me?
Nothing but liquids for me so far, vegetable soup with Slim Rice for lunch then Chicken and a lot of green vegetables for dinner.
Good luck Thursday Fasters :clover:
I'm in too - I had two satsumas and some fat free yoghurt at lunchtime and will be having a big bowl of lentil and veg soup later on. These days I seem to be a vegetarian on fast days and a meat eater the rest of the week!

:clover: :clover: @SianS and any other Thursday fasters!
Me too!
Just waiting for my trout and veg to cook to break my fast then nothing more until porridge tomorrow :0)
Keep going folks \*/
Quiet here today; I'm in for my usual Thursday light day. Hee hee, I've got people at work calling it "light days" now; I just think it sounds friendlier and less scary than "fasting"...and it really isn't fasting, as in not eating. As a writer, connotation is everything (how a term/word affects us in ways other than its literal definition), which is why I use "light" and "normal" days. And also why I say Way of Life (WOL), not Way of Eating (WOE)...look at what the latter spells!

I am certainly sympathetic to those who have gone or are going through major life challenges such as their own or another's illness... But for those who just "aren't in the mood" to "fast," not so much. Heh, I am seldom "in the mood"; if I allowed my mood to determine whether to observe my light day or not, I'd put it off forever! I just "fast" on Mondays and Thursdays, the only exceptions being those planned (and substituted) ahead of time. (For example, I switched my light day Thanksgiving week from Thursday to Friday.) By not allowing my sneaky mind to find reasons "not to," just doing it no matter what my mood is, I find it "easier" to stick with it. While I can't say I've never gone over 500 calories on a light day, I have not missed a single light day (two a week) since starting in April 2014. Because I know how my personal saboteur works--any excuse will do me in! :oops:
Sorry folks, for checking in late, yet again. I've been a busy, busy January bean and missed so much.
Chicken delight avec cauliflower rice for dinner , yum - just need to cook it before thoroughly enjoying and closing the kitchen door.
Eating later than fits me, so that's something else to address, like now
Best wishes to all. :clover:
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