The FastDay Forum

Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
Please don't make extra threads in here besides the daily fasting threads, if you've got a question please post it in the relevant forum or ask in today's 'Fasting Today' thread, thank you.

5 posts Page 1 of 1
Huh, first one to post again--is everyone on holiday? I'm in today, had to take the cat to the vet (he's OK), feeling a bit hungry now (just after 2pm). 2 hours to broth! Time to get and stay busy.

Oh, and today is my other (the one that didn't go to the vet) cat's 17th birthday--he's my avatar pic, Ziggy! :grin:
Dear Ferretgal, Thank You for starting this page.
It is Friday now, and I am fasting today, too.
But I was here yesterday and I tried to start a "Fasting today" -page, but then somehow I lost all contact with the page....
Yesterday I started my extra fasting period. I am doing my usual window fasting, which means that I ate nothing since supper last night at 18.00. Next time I'll eat something will be today at tea time at 15:00, when I have a small snack. Then supper again at 18:00. I am thinking of continuing this regime until September. WHY?
Because my weight is just going up and up. I was 60 kg on Wednesday morning. That gave me a BMI of 23,3 or so.
I know it is not very fat, but my clothes are getting very uncomfortable and I cannot afford new clothes, My hubby agrees that this is a cheaper way of dealing with the problem.
AND after fasting one day I felt so good this morning. Wow. It does something positive to my mind.
And that was before I knew that I'd lost 800grams.
Sorry, this is going to be a long posting. But I want to explain why I haven't been here. It is because the hard disc on my cheap computer died. I now have a "new" second had computer that I am trying to learn to use. I have missed all of you!!! Glad to be back! :smile:
I fasted on Thursday. Just too busy to post!
How lovely to 'see' you StowgateResident. How did the fasting go?!
Bean :heart:
Fine thank-you, @nursebean! I hope that you are doing well.
I have just posted in the August Maintaining thread that I have lost 5.8 pounds since last Sundays's weigh-in and only have 2.6 pounds to go until I am back to target, so I am happy with that. :victory:
I must add that I haven't found some marvellous eating plan to allow me to lose that in a week! :frown: It's just that I have eaten far too much for two weeks, while I had visitors staying, and that means that I hang on to a lot of fluid, which then goes when I start eating sensibly again! :smile:
I wish it was always that easy to lose extra weight - the next couple of pounds will need a few weeks of concerted effort on my part but it's still better than keeping it on and going back to my old weight of over twelve stone!
I haven't been on the forum much because of my visitors, so am trying to catch up by only reading the last page of all the posts. It means that I miss out on some of the news but at least I get a flavour of what's been going on while I have been off-line! I'm looking forward to some 'proper' catching up now that I have more time. I always look forward to your posts! :grin:
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